Botucatu, Sao Paulo
Tell us more about who you are, what you do and where you want to be. What are your main business challenges? (Tip: provide your current Job Title, Industry, company or/and paste your Linkedin profile here). Use as many relevant keywords as possible. Tell us what you can offer the community. What sorts of discussions, events, and activities you can participate in.
By upbringing I'm a thinker, by education an engineer, by nature an actor, by enjoyment a programmer, by devotion a teacher, by temperament a listener, by instinct an organizer, by faith a peacemaker, by experience a risk manager and by profession I help match risk problems to the best solutions. Have been to places, seen things and met people. Made some money and many friends. Love wife and kid, try to be a good husband, a get-along dad and a decent citizen. But that doesn't matter. I don't matter. It's you who matters. I'm interested not in myself, but in what I can do to help you.
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Consulting offers, Business deals, Expertise requests