Cleveland, OH
Tell us more about who you are, what you do and where you want to be. What are your main business challenges? (Tip: provide your current Job Title, Industry, company or/and paste your Linkedin profile here). Use as many relevant keywords as possible. Tell us what you can offer the community. What sorts of discussions, events, and activities you can participate in.
What if? Your home is your castle, it should not only be energy efficient. But energy productive! With the use of solar that is incorporated in the roof. Plug in to a hard wired on the inside of the building, so when a more efficient solar wafer-panel is made it is easy to convert. To install P.W.T. (Personal Wind Turbines) on the home to also add to the energy production. Turbines small enough to be able to maintain them in the save and productive way. It may be as simple using re-cycled generator for automobiles for now until a more efficient generator is developed. Also plug in to hard wire for easy change for replacement and or up grade. To use small hydro-generators in the roof system to produce energy when it raining. Because the sun not out. But the wind and rain or snow is. Energy storage is probably the biggest asset to over come. To store the energy at the source of need in the home is very important. So the home can use the energy as needed and sell the energy to the power company's as needed by the community. Last, but not least. If we are producing D.C. current and using D.C. why not make the standard of the home 48 volts? And only change to A.C. when selling your home made energy to your community. Maybe even donate, if applicable. For tax proposes of courses. I have a PhD. from the school of hard knocks. LOL. No, but I have over 40 yrs of home construction experience. As the end user. I know what can work. This not going to happen over night. But neither is did global warming. Looking forward to input. Like Tesla. I'm willing to give this stuff away. Now, if you could just help me with a little piece of that Billion dollars, so I can work with the best in the field. As global community of Visionary, Scientists, Engineers and Inventors in a round table setting. So, come on who want to go down in history with me? We can do it! I mean I could do it , but what fun would that be? Hummm. Have a great day and may all your dreams come true in 2k13. 2be kind in13. Best regards, Jim Bailey or James Phillip Bailey the IV. In love memory of my father James Phillip Bailey the III. Who recently passed in Oct. 2012. The sleeper has awaken. PEACE OUT!
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