Naples, FL
Tell us more about who you are, what you do and where you want to be. What are your main business challenges? (Tip: provide your current Job Title, Industry, company or/and paste your Linkedin profile here). Use as many relevant keywords as possible. Tell us what you can offer the community. What sorts of discussions, events, and activities you can participate in.
I have two companies that together create a self-contained sphere within the real estate industry. EquityBuild builds turnkey rental portfolios for real estate investors by handling every aspect of the real estate transaction for them, i.e. finding the properties, setting up the hard money loan and refinance, handling the rehab, leasing out the property and managing the property. EquityBuild Finance provides a 12% return to our clients for lending money to those real estate investors. All properties have at least a 35% equity position and substantial cash flow. Linked in profile is:
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