



kuala lumpur

Tell us more about who you are, what you do and where you want to be. What are your main business challenges? (Tip: provide your current Job Title, Industry, company or/and paste your Linkedin profile here). Use as many relevant keywords as possible. Tell us what you can offer the community. What sorts of discussions, events, and activities you can participate in.

been an assistant art lecture even still in high school (age 16)... graduates from art collage then be an art lecturer at one of local international school. Somehow lost my track of life about a decade on so. later cameback as a tv script writer/translator, freelance dubbing technician/director. recently resign to pursue my art n writting. Still find an opportunity on how to market all my KIV/pending ideas. Games (console-Pc), cultural investment/marketing in crafts-food n dine ( Southeast asian concepts - aunthentic/urban/futuristic) investors/partnerships, publishers for my upcoming illustrated hard cover novel n more...

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    The GlobalRisk Community is a thriving community of risk managers and associated service providers. Our purpose is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Our goal is to be the worlds premier Risk forum and contribute to better understanding of the complex world of risk.

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