Economists say that financial stability comes with low inflation rates. Where is the evidence? The lowest inflation rate nations are among the most unstable.

The Macro-economic Design and Management group is the only group looking at other causes. They are setting up a course in macro-economic design and management to show where the problems are coming from.

As one of the peer reviews says, "“When people realize what you have done all hell will break loose.” The innovations will be disruptive to existing financial services, and both safe and very popular with end users.

GlobalRisk Community has invited members to get ahead of the game because these big changes will come.

Whatever your expertise is today, it will be changed.

You are invited to ask for more information from our member, Edward C D Ingram. He is the designer of the course. He has a background of relevant knowledge in far more disciplines than can be studied in any degree course. All will be taught to the depth which is necessary and no further. He may be contacted by email on and on Skype as edwarding2.

CLASSES IN YOUR HOME: Webinars are to be used. This means that the teacher and the classroom is in your own office or home - wherever you are. The course will be a SPARE TIME activity lasting around three months.

ACCREDITATION: It will be an accredited course either right away or as soon as negotiations have completed. This means that you will get a well recognised qualification, positioning you as a thought leader and a skilled and strategic leader in almost any financial discipline. You won't be swept away on the tide.

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  • Here are the peer reviews and my background

    The start of the course is on the home page. This is followed by the first webinar and the first homework.

  • Christian,

    Thanks for the additional information from your side.

    I am more interested in explaining the major issues of principle in the designing in of financial stability in such a way that their financial exposure, wealth and costs, are not upset by the changing value of money.

    $60trillion of fixed interest bonds upsets the savings and pensions of most people and businesses

    Half of all business pricing is unsafe to the extent that the currency values of the world are in disarray

    A third of an economy can be driven by the unstable property sector

    Central banks can try to help but in doing so that can make things worse - there is always a price for their interventions. 

    But those interventions would not be needed if the first principles were applied - so we are taking of different orders of magnitude.

    My work can add 1-5% p.a. to economic output and make crisis handling fairly simple.

    People will not be kicked down unexpectedly and they will do what confident people would do.

    Extreme governments will not come to power so easily....

  • The technical base of instability derive from the way fund managers and bank earn their living, not aas a fee for servicing the allocation of asset in the portfolio of pension funds or individuals but on volatility of prices discovery processes.. The volumes traded have trimendously increased without inducing a better risk anticipation ang generating huge bubbles and fund allocation not on best real activities, but by transfering values from industrial and service activities to financial assets and financial sector.

    To measure that is very simple, you have to compare what was the value of the financial services  as a proportion of whole assets values in the seventies or heighties and what is this same figures in 2007 and now? 

  • Hello Christian,

    I am not familiar with the territory yo are bringing forward.

    You may have a point.

    My territory is hugely bigger than that.

    It is the instability of the pricing of bonds, housing finance costs, house prices (consequently), and currency prices.

    There is a common theme which accounts for these instabilities. They can be removed.

    I call it the coming financail revolution and it will come and it will be a revolution.

    This is why Boris is keen to be a part of it at least in allowing you guys to scrutinise the work.

    It amounts to an entirely new financial framework for accounting, for savings and lending, for currency markets ad for money creation.

    Whatever you think you know now, it will change.

    Economists are not trained in the skills needed to do this. I have learned and it has taken a lifetime.

    Here are the peer reviews and my background

    The start of the course is on the home page. This is followed by the first webinar ad the first homework.

    After the second webinar the interviewer, ex head of baking at the University of Johannesburg thought the course needed to run for six months not three.

  • I think you are right when telling that economists are completely wrong, but the reasons are in my opinion somewhat different than those evocated. the thee main  facts that are altering their approach are:

    1. the principles of the economic approach
    2. the modification of financial and commercial rules that have tranformed the situation from static organaizaton to a dynamic one
    3. the time bias induced by option valutions

    So it is necessary to modify the basic principles of the organisation, taking in account the structural limitation of the avaliable information and its asymetric disponibility, second to consider the impacts of local situation linked to environment and the cultural priority in commitments.

This reply was deleted.

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