A special request from a member:
We're a fairly small company and looking for a solution that would be functional across different departments (finance, operations, etc), incorporating capital budgeting, project planning/management, and decision modeling/optimization on an NPV & IRR basis. Ideally, we're looking for software with dashboard functionality to quickly track the progress of projects in meetings and for updates to our board, and provide scenario analysis.
We would appreciate if you could share your opinion
Frankly speaking, I've visited this topic as my last resort to find such a solution.
We've analyzed a number of solutions, primarily focusing on project pool / resource pool / program management.
The best of the reviewed are Daptiv and Clarizen (both are SaaS), but still they do not address all our requirements.
So, still seeking...
Most project Management tools do not focus on project Risk Management.
We are also a small startup and have released a very low cost risk management tool for projects.
Vue-Matrix (www.Vue-matrix.com) is a web based tool with unlimited users always and full features on all versions. Powerful role based dashboards and robust well formatted reports are all included at a very low cost.
You can avail a free 30 day trial at www.Vue-matrix.com/free.php
Please feel free to contact me if you need any assistance.
Anand Chittoor.