Can anyone tell me the difference between the risk elimination and risk substitution..
For example: if we remove the source of risk introduce new thing which has less or no risk as previous then what would we say?is it elimination or is it substitution?
pls explain with practical examples
Thanks & Regards,
I agree to opinion of David L Russell, PE. A risk can be reduced, transfered and shared but it is not possible to eliminate. Elimination of risk tantmounts to either change in process and loction of operation which might increase the cost of risk mitigation that could be higher in dollar amount of risk and may also involve new risks as suggested by David.
David L Russell, PE said:
ok, may be that is right, any how it is just an example showing the difference between the risk elimination & risk substiution process, how ever which of their risk is higher.
Hello Mohamed,
A quick note regarding your example : in most countries, travelling by plane is less dangerous than travelling by car
mohamed badr said:
1- Identification of hazards.
2- Evaluation of risk to determine (the likely FREQUENCY of losses coming from it & the probable SEVERITY of these losses)
3- Development Control for dealing with each risk.
4- Implementing the selected Control.
5- Monitor the perfomance & review the remaining risks
I agree with Grant Purdy , we should first define the hazards then evaluate the risk, risk can be (Risk elimination) that means ending the risk arised from that hazard such as stopping a certain risky activity (for example: stop travelling by airplane is a risk elimination of airplane travel accident),
while the (Risk Substitiution), is to replace a risky activty by another more safe one, (for example: to travel by car instead of aireplane) that will decrease the risk of travel accident.
i hope that help understanding the difference between them
The problem lies in the question, not in finding the answer here. Elimination and substitution concern how you might deal with hazards not with risks as defined in ISO 31000, the global risk management standard. Strategies involve avoiding a risk by deciding not to start or continue an activity that gives rise to the risk or taking or increasing the risk in order to pursue an opportunity. You can also remove the risk source for a risk with negative consequences. The most widely applicable strategies are to change the likelihood or the consequences.
Risk reduction is not a defines term in ISO 31000 (or ISO Guide 73 - the risk management vocabulary) as it implies that risk is negative. Risk, as the effect of uncertainty on objectives, is neutral. The consequences can be negative, positive or both.
Risk should, must be managed !
jacob szafranski said:
Of course, risk can be eliminated !!!
Nagesh Bharadwaj said:
1. This is contractual transfer for risk control
2. This is risk avoidance (risk elimination)
James Cole said: