Over the last 3 months, we have seen 3 of the 4 major players in the Excel Monte-Carlo Simulation arena introduce new releases.
For this reason, we have created a series of videos showing comparing how each tool is used to apply Monte-Carlo simulation to a model / spreadsheet. Our focus will be on :
- Oracle Crystal Ball
- Palisade @RISK 5.7
- Vose ModelRisk Standard 4.0
- Frontline Risk Solver 11.0
- Comparison
To keep the playing field level, we have used a simple additive model, which is simply defining a series of distributions (i.e. costs, budget items…), summing them up and analyzing the resulting sensitivity analysis. We have kept things simple, so we are not correlating any of the variables nor using any fancy math.
Please check out our video tutorial and let me know what features we should test next
Hi Robert:
My pleasure... We are going to go through other types of models in the our next series... any thing you would like to see first?
Please let me know!
Thanks for providing these simulations!