Dear GlobalRisk Community member,

What an incredible time it has been recently with lots of new quality content posted by our members. We are now on the verge of breaking through the 10,000 members barrier soon! 

Now is the good time for You to get some more value from our community. So here’s an opportunity to find one.

In the COMMENTS SECTION below, do the following…

STEP 1: List your name and Area of Experise (be as specific as you’d like)
STEP 2: Tell us how you can HELP others (giving training, specific knowledge, solutions, systems, etc.). It’s ALWAYS better to come from a giving place first!!!
STEP 3: Include a way for someone to contact you (by default a message sent via your profile on our community is best since I don’t want that your contact e-mail address will be visible for everyone to spam you)

Maybe, there is a new business opportunity for you and I know there have been already many success stories originated from our community.

A new business partner? A new job? A new customer?  A new speaking opportunity?

Who knows. but you never know until you try.


P.S. The more people we get on there, the more powerful it is. Please “like” “tweet” “+1″ and share it!

P.P.S. I would like to invite people who are serious about their business network and who want to have access to our White Papers and Research facility into our Inner Circle Group here.

You need to be a member of Global Risk Community to add comments!

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  • Nelson Hendler, MD, MS,

    former assistant professor of neurosurgery, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, past president-American Academy of Pain Management. Author of three books, 33 medical textbook chapters, and 59 articles.

    Area of expertise: Providing cost savings of 54% for self insured companies and TPA, in the area of workers' compensation and auto accidents. Fraud detection with 95% accuracy, which has been admitted in over 30 legal cases in 8 states. More accurate than an IME or nurse case manager, and costs half as much.

    How do we help others: Our company has an Internet system developed by Johns Hopkins Hospital physicians, which can provide documented 54% savings on workers' compensation claims, with cost savings ranging from $20,000 to $175,000 for the long term cases. This is accomplished by properly diagnosing the 40%-80% of patients who are misdiagnosed, and suggesting the correct diagnosis, medical testing and treatment.  Fraud detection methods which have always been admitted in court and never challenged. We are offering a 90 day free trial of this system. Merely register at No credit card requested nor needed. A description of the system is found in the attached article from the Self Insurer, authored by Dick Goff, former president of the the Self Insurance Institute of America.

    Contact Method: Register at, for a free 90 trial with the system. No credit card needed. Alternately, email, or call 443-277-0306

    Self Insurer 2013.pdf

  • I’d like to introduce myself.


    For much of my career I was a risk and insurance manager at a couple of large energy companies in Calgary, Canada. During that time, I had a lot of exposure to captive insurance operations. Following my retirement in 2014, I joined Palm Captive insurance consulting as a partner. I split my time equally between London, UK and Canada.


    Our practice involves three main areas:


    1. Captive insurance advice including planning, governance and compliance, mind and management and operations, with a special emphasis on the core functions of a captive-namely insurance transfer pricing/underwriting, policy and underwriting documentation, reinsurance and stop loss arrangements and new products. We have extensive experience with portfolio and value modelling, strategic and business plans and claims. Although we work with a variety of domiciles, Barbados has been a main focus area. We are also in the process of establishing a captive management company in Barbados. We have a non-affiliated network of other advisors we work with who can provide advice on tax, legal, actuarial and audit and other matters. Although our focus in on Barbados, we are also able to assist captives in feasibility, set up or operations in other domiciles.
    1. Risk management consulting with particular emphasis on captives as a risk management hub.
    1. General management consulting, usually to insurers.


    We are a completely independent, non-affiliated captive advisory. Working with captive owners and in many cases their other advisors, we offer tailored solutions to meet specific client needs.


    I can be reached through Linked in, or at:





    I also have extensive experience as a lecturer on the topics of risk management, insurance, captives and related topics. I have lectured at universities, the Insurance Institute of Canada, RIMS and RIMS Canada and a variety of professional associations.



    Palm Global: Captive Insurance, Management and Underwriting
  • Internal Audit, Financial Procedural manual preparation & Control compliance testing

  • Expertise

    1- Technical know how

    •  Proven Technical know how transfer of APIs & Intermediates
    •  Handling API & Pharma project from scratch to commissioning

    2- Services

    • Auditing plants as per cGMP in India on behalf of foreign buyers
    • Arranging contract manufacturing of Pharma, Herbal & Cosmetic products
    • Sourcing Pharma, Herbal, Neutraceutical & Cosmetics for buyers



    skype: masterpharma108

  • Name:  Abdul Hajibrahim

    Area of Expertise: Program and Project Risk Management for Aircraft and Aerospace Programs


    How I can help others

    1.  Training and consulting on Risk Management in the Aircraft and Aerospace industries, especially for new Aircraft Development programs.

    2. Assist Aerospace companies in developing their Program and Project Risk Management System (non-financial)

    3. Conduct Interna Audits on the Risk Management System


    Contact method: Email:

    Abdul Hajibrahim 2012.pdf

  • Name: M. Ettisch-Enchelmaier, B.A., MSc.

    Position in company: Founder and President, CEO of Ettisch-Enchelmaier GmbH

    Website:, also for contact data

    Expertise: Investigations, special global services since 1972

    Author of a PI book:

    Certified court translator and interpretor for the English language,

    Well known netoworker, own PI group since 1998

    Internationale Wirtschaftsauskunftei Detektei Deutschland Germany
  • Gary:

    See my entry earlier in this discussion.  I would be interested in pursuing a dialogue on opportunities.




    Gary Wilkinson - Expertise bringing together corporate clients with solution providers.

    Working on high level conferences on various risk management topics for the EMEA region, currently working on an event looking at ERM in Strategic Projects for heavier industries.

    responsible for selling sponsorship packages at our conferences to consultants and software providers


    PM here if interested in opportunities

  • Risk Management Software

    StratexSystems provide integrated strategy execute and risk management solutions, built on the Microsoft SharePoint platform. 

    Our product, StratexPoint enables organisation to clarify their strategic objectives, align their risk appetite and manage their key risks to enable the sustainable execution of the business strategy. 

    StratexPoint enables senior executives to effectively manage the risk and reward equation for their organisations, leading to better management discussions, decision-making and action-taking. Some of the activities which are supported by StratexPoint include: 

    • Defining strategy maps and strategic objectives

    • Defining Balanced Scorecards, with KPIs, Initiatives and actions.

    • Defining and managing key and emerging risks using risk maps

    • Defining and monitoring risk appetite

    • Calculating, managing and monitoring the alignment of risk exposure to appetite

    • Conducting risk and control self-assessments

    • Managing and monitoring KPIs, KRIs and KCIs using organisational and personal dashboards

    • Defining, managing and monitoring the initiatives and actions which make up the organisational change agenda

    • Define and manage operational processes and systems, and monitoring their performance, risk and controls 

    Contact by email: 

  • Step1 - Name & Area of Expertise

    Name - FR - Amaury VAN ESPEN

    Area of Expertise - Project Risk Management - Politic, Economic & BI Strategic Foresight

    Step2 - How I can help others

    1. Train/coach/mentor project managers/PMOs/Organizations on Project Risk Management

    2. Help PMOs/Organizations implement/improve Project Risk Management process in their organizations

    3. Troubled project recovery - Lead recovery for projects in trouble or problem projects

    4. Conduct audit/review for projects/processes

    5. Assess process maturity for PMOs/Project organizations and recommend actions for improvements

    Step3 - Contact method

    1. Email me at

    2. Use my profile to contact me.

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Introducing the Global Risk Series - Book 1 Risk Management How Tos

Dear GlobalRisk Community member, Our community’s mission is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Learn from some of the top experts in the industry as they clearly explain how to approach the most important Risk management concepts. Check out their expert tips and use the link at the end of each article to navigate back to the website to leave your comment or ask a question.   Some of the topics include: How do you Explain Risk Appetite?  How to Prepare a…

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16 Replies · Reply by GlobalRiskCommunity Mar 21, 2024
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[Free COVID-19 Framework] What's the path to recovery look like?

We created a free presentation (attached), which discusses both global and organizational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with critical actions organizations should take immediately. This presentation introduces a framework that helps regions and organizations navigate a path to recovery via 9 potential scenarios. These scenarios capture outcomes related to GDP impact, public health response, and economic policies. The presentation also breaks down 6 immediate and critical actions…

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4 Replies · Reply by Steve Diaz Jul 8, 2023
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If risk management is about decision making, are current risk management solutions irrelevant?

Now that the updated COSO and ISO risk management standards emphasize a connection to enterprise objectives and decision making, does this mean ERM and GRC solutions focused on risk registers and regulatory compliance are missing the true value of risk management?Will current risk management solutions evolve to integrate more decision support functionality or will standalone prescriptive analytics and other technology solutions take a more prominent role in enabling risk-informed…

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3 Replies
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A question related to classification of instruments between trading and banking book.

We have an interesting question from one of our members.       "We usually perform OTC FX transactions with clients backed-to-back on the market (with Banks). Now we are going to perform a FX swap (i.e. Spot + forward) JPY/EUR for the Bank account for 1 week at the longest. The purpose is to get EUR place @ CB for LCR compliance purpose (no trading purposes). Bank's Management think that this should be considered as a trading position and therefore be classified within the Bank's trading book.…

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5 Replies · Reply by Prisha Singh Dec 26, 2023
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Plunging oil prices: curse or blessing in disguise?

The recent sudden crash of oil prices has had a major impact on the world economy, leading to many troubled faces in the international arena. The Russians fear the effects of yet another powerful hit on their economy, Venezuela seems to be considering default and the Americans are weary of the consequences for its young and emerging shale oil industry. And then you have the Middle East, where the smallest match is enough to ignite the largest fire. But are these worries really justified or…

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1 Reply
Views: 124

    About Us

    The GlobalRisk Community is a thriving community of risk managers and associated service providers. Our purpose is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Our goal is to be the worlds premier Risk forum and contribute to better understanding of the complex world of risk.

    Business Partners

    For companies wanting to create a greater visibility for their products and services among their prospects in the Risk market: Send your business partnership request by filling in the form here!
