The 4th Annual Enterprise Risk Management Conference will be held on March 10th and 11th. I will be attending this conference on behalf of the GlobalRisk community and will report back with key observations and discussions from the conference. I will also Tweet general comments during the sessions at
I am opening this forum to ask for any questions you hope the sessions at this conference and/or specific presenters could answer for you. I will do my best to pose these questions and report the responses back to our community. The conference organizers at Marcus Evans are also kind enough to arrange interviews with specific speakers. Note the conference theme is "Empowering ERM Efforts to Inform the Enterprise-Wide Decision-Making Process." The agenda includes some very interesting subsets of this challenge.
Please use this forum to submit the questions you would like to have me ask and to note the speakers who may be of particular interest to you. You can find the conference information in our community posts from Michele Westergaard and on the following Marcus Evans conference information site:
Dear John,
it is very kind of you to suggest this opportunity, thank you. Looking over the list of speakers of the conference, it seams that they are representatives of the companies with global interests. It will be very interesting to receive their view and estimations over the changes we could expect in the context of the processes in North Africa.
I will wait your reports from the conference with interest.
With best regards, Dimitar
What are Risk Management leaders doing to protect their organizations from Social Media Marketing hyperbole / risks?
Sandy Liebesman
Question: Which role do you see "RI - Responsible Investments" playing when it comes to Pension Funds investments? (RI are those investments that care for ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance issues). Does the pension fund sponsored by your company adopt any practice in that regard?
From: Eder Costa e Silva - NKL2 (Brazil)
Contact: +55 11 9624-0952 /
Thanks John for the post! We are looking forward to having you at the conference!
For anyone who wants to follow marcus evans discussions and John's tweets from the conference, please use the #ERMEvent hash tag. You can also follow marcus evans @MarcusEvansNA!