Vote for the best Risk book

I propose that members vote for the best Risk book they read and they can recommend. 

The best ten books voted will be displayed on our main page and people will have an opportunity to buy them via our site using our partnership deal with Amazon. 

We will announce the winners and try to interview them. By the way there are many authors among our members. My suggestion to them – don
t shy away and put your  book forward for the vote.

I look forward for your active participation.

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  • I really appreciated the Black Swan by NN Taleb, he wonderfully illustrates the differents theories about risks and uncertainty of the past century. It is a very good introduction for people wishing to start in the risk management or simply improve their risk sensibility

    Abder Seridji said:
    "Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk" by Peter L. Bernstein
    - you have here the evolution of risks and the different paradygms and
    "Enterprise Risk Management" by John Fraser and Betty J. Simkins - and in here you'll find an updated description of leading research, best risk management practices, some surveys results...
    "The Black Swan" by Nicholas Nassim Taleb - a brillant essay on uncertainty and ignorance of low probability events with very high consequences
  • Against the God's, Bernstein

    Fooled by Randomness, Taleb

    The Art of War, Sun Tzu (The ultimate practical examples of risk mitigation)


    Also check out http: /dFSnUJ my LinkedIn readinglist

  • Operational Risk Management: A Practical Approach to Intelligent Data Analysis by Ron Kenett and Yossi Raanan.

    • "Against the Gods" - Peter L. Bernstein
    • "How to Measure Anything" - Douglas W. Hubard
  • I looked in my library for Against the Gods, but they didn't have it. Turns out it was published in 1998! I've ordered the book through my library service, but there only seems to be one copy in NJ. Could a 12 year-old book (or is it 13?) still be so relevant, and the BEST risk book ever? 

  • The standings on january:


    1. "Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk" by Peter L.Bernstein     4 votes


    2. "The Black Swan" by Nicholas Nassim Taleb    3 votes


    3. Anticipating Correlations: A New Paradigm for Risk Management by Robert Engle  2 votes

    3. Managing Global Enterprise Risks    GaryToms'   2 votes


    The following books get 1 vote each. 

    "Risk - The science of fear" by Dan Gardner

    Enterprise Risk Management" by John Fraser and Betty J. Simkins 

    "Essentials of Risk Management" by Michel Crouhy

    "The Rules of Risk: A Guide for Investors" by Ron S. Dembo, Andrew Freeman

    smrbok (Security risk management body of knowledge), authors James Talbot & DrMiles Jakeman

    The Flaw of Averages

    The Failure of Risk Management, Douglas Hubbard

    'Fault Lines' by Raghuram Rajan of the University of Chicago. Hardcover: 272 pages.Publisher: Princeton University Press (May 24, 2010)

    Value at Risk by Phillip Jorion

    No Excuses: A Business Process Approach to Managing Operational Risk

    Simkins and Fraser's Enterprise Risk Management 

    Managing operational risk  -20 FirmwideBest Practice Strategies by Douglas G, Hoffman

  • Managing operational risk  -20 Firmwide Best Practice Strategies by Douglas G, Hoffman


    This is available from Amazon

  • Simkins and Fraser's Enterprise Risk Management - this year's best book provides 600 pages of highly useful theory and practice. Fraser has actually made it work in a large organization - putting him in a very elite group of people who are successful as a practitioner and as an author. Simkins brings the academic side of the equation to the table. It is a powerful combination. This book should be on the bookshelf - if not on the desk - of every RM practioner.

    I would agree with some of the other members that there are other worthwhile titles (and a few that I would put some qualifications on), but many were not published this year, so I am not citing them.
  • I vote for and strongly recommend that all members read: "No Excuses: A Business Process Approach to Managing Operational Risk".  It is currently the most thorough book on explaining operational risk and how to manage it in all businesses and industries.

    - Dennis Dickstein

  • The repeated votes from one person won’t be counted
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