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1. What are you struggling with?

2. What is your perfect day look like?

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Is your business need a Business Continuity Plan, but have never had the resources or expertise to create one? We in the GlobalRisk Community analyzed dozens of best practices, policies and procedures of both leading financial institutuions and corporates and we created the GRC Business Continuity toolkit. Check it out here:


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8. If you are looking to increase the visibility of your company's products and services among risk audience: Request our MEDIA KIT

9. Read our Community Guidelines here:

We look forward to your participation in the GlobalRisk Community and feedback!
If you have any questions and ideas, please send a mail to Boris Agranovich, founder of the GlobalRisk Community.
Thank you for being here.
Boris Agranovich,
GlobalRiskCommunity. founder
p.s. If you've got a frog for a picture, hurry up and replace it!



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  • It's important to note that altering or changing the IMEI number of a mobile phone is illegal in many countries and can result in severe legal consequences. The unique nature of the IMEI number is critical for the security and functionality of the mobile ecosystem, and its integrity is essential for tracking and safeguarding mobile devices.

    IMEI Certification Agent

    IMEI Number Registration

    IMEI number registration typically refers to the process of associating an International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number with the details of the mobile device's owner or user in a database. This registration serves various purposes, including:

    Stolen Device Tracking: When a mobile phone is lost or stolen, its owner can report the incident to the authorities or the mobile network operator. The IMEI number of the device is often linked to the owner's information in a database. This makes it easier to track and potentially recover the stolen device when it's used on a network or brought in for service.

    IMEI Blocking: In some cases, when a device is reported as stolen, its IMEI number can be added to a blacklist or blocked list. This prevents the stolen device from accessing any mobile network services, making it less attractive to thieves.

    Warranty and Support: Manufacturers and service providers may use IMEI registration to track warranty information and provide customer support. When a user seeks service or support for their device, they may be asked to provide the IMEI number to verify the device's authenticity and warranty status.

    IMEI Verification: Potential buyers of used mobile phones can use IMEI registration databases to verify the authenticity of the device they are purchasing. They can check if the IMEI number corresponds to the information provided by the seller.

    Regulatory Compliance: Some countries and regions require mobile devices to be registered with their IMEI numbers as part of regulatory compliance. This helps track and manage the use of mobile devices within their jurisdiction.

    New IMEI Number Registration Process, Documents, Consultant
    IMEI stands for International Mobile Equipment Identity. It's a unique 15-digit number given to every mobile phone. This number helps identify and tr…
  • Hey,

    Thanks for Accepting my request for community approval. I Really glade to being a member to this community.

  • Hi, Thanks for Accepting me as a member of your community. And I hope i will be benefit from this network.

  • Thank you for accepting me as a member and look forward to learn more form the professional community

  • Hi, Boris.

    My area of interest in "risk management" is operational or process risk management. More specifically, coming from the quality improvement and reliability engineering areas, I apply tools like "FAilure Mode and Effects Analysis" (FMEA to business processes to identify, prioritize and help address postential failure modes. I don't work in the banking industry, though I have worked in financial services more generally (insurance operations - claims, call centers, membership administration, etc.). Most of my work has been in the technology space, assessing product designs and processes to improve "enterprise reliability".

    I hope to learn more through GRC which could be relevant for me, and contribute when I can.

    Thank you,


    • Hi Robert,

      Thanks for your joining our community, it's great to have you here on our platform. Please feel free to connect with oyther members, post your thoughts on our discussion forum, blogs or video sections.Please feel free to connect with other members, post your thoughts on our discussion forum, blogs or video sections. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to send me a direct message.

      best regards.


  • Hi Tich,

    Thanks for your feedback. It's great to have you here on our platform. 

    Tich said:

    Thank you for the welcome and I am looking forward to much collaboration and engagement with like minded interests on a truly global perspective. I am in Africa yet what an awesome meeting place we have here. Great resource! Be blessed



    Welcome Pack to GlobalRisk Community - a quick start guideline for a new member
    Dear New Member, We're super excited to have you as part of our community. Feel free to invite new people, participate in discussions, activities an…
  • Thank you for the welcome and I am looking forward to much collaboration and engagement with like minded interests on a truly global perspective. I am in Africa yet what an awesome meeting place we have here. Great resource! Be blessed





  • Thank you Boris! Looking foward to interact.

    kind regards,


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Introducing the Global Risk Series - Book 1 Risk Management How Tos

Dear GlobalRisk Community member, Our community’s mission is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Learn from some of the top experts in the industry as they clearly explain how to approach the most important Risk management concepts. Check out their expert tips and use the link at the end of each article to navigate back to the website to leave your comment or ask a question.   Some of the topics include: How do you Explain Risk Appetite?  How to Prepare a…

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16 Replies · Reply by GlobalRiskCommunity Mar 21, 2024
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[Free COVID-19 Framework] What's the path to recovery look like?

We created a free presentation (attached), which discusses both global and organizational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with critical actions organizations should take immediately. This presentation introduces a framework that helps regions and organizations navigate a path to recovery via 9 potential scenarios. These scenarios capture outcomes related to GDP impact, public health response, and economic policies. The presentation also breaks down 6 immediate and critical actions…

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4 Replies · Reply by Steve Diaz Jul 8, 2023
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If risk management is about decision making, are current risk management solutions irrelevant?

Now that the updated COSO and ISO risk management standards emphasize a connection to enterprise objectives and decision making, does this mean ERM and GRC solutions focused on risk registers and regulatory compliance are missing the true value of risk management?Will current risk management solutions evolve to integrate more decision support functionality or will standalone prescriptive analytics and other technology solutions take a more prominent role in enabling risk-informed…

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3 Replies
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A question related to classification of instruments between trading and banking book.

We have an interesting question from one of our members.       "We usually perform OTC FX transactions with clients backed-to-back on the market (with Banks). Now we are going to perform a FX swap (i.e. Spot + forward) JPY/EUR for the Bank account for 1 week at the longest. The purpose is to get EUR place @ CB for LCR compliance purpose (no trading purposes). Bank's Management think that this should be considered as a trading position and therefore be classified within the Bank's trading book.…

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5 Replies · Reply by Prisha Singh Dec 26, 2023
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Plunging oil prices: curse or blessing in disguise?

The recent sudden crash of oil prices has had a major impact on the world economy, leading to many troubled faces in the international arena. The Russians fear the effects of yet another powerful hit on their economy, Venezuela seems to be considering default and the Americans are weary of the consequences for its young and emerging shale oil industry. And then you have the Middle East, where the smallest match is enough to ignite the largest fire. But are these worries really justified or…

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1 Reply
Views: 126

    About Us

    The GlobalRisk Community is a thriving community of risk managers and associated service providers. Our purpose is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Our goal is to be the worlds premier Risk forum and contribute to better understanding of the complex world of risk.

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    For companies wanting to create a greater visibility for their products and services among their prospects in the Risk market: Send your business partnership request by filling in the form here!
