Big data for financial services boot camp es un Programa de capacitación intensiva, único en su tipo en México, enfocado al sector financiero, mediante el caul reconocidos especialistas en Big Data Analytics comparten las tendencias, retos y diferentes metodologías susceptibles a ser aplicadas a la realidad del Sector, con el objetivo de maximizar la rentabilidad de los productos y servicios.
What techniques in Hadoop ecosystem can achieve second-level querying for 1 TB data?
Hi I'm new in hadoop ecosystem. I have a question. What technology can return simple query results in seconds? Say we have 1 TB data in CSV format. We want to query data like what we do in traditional database. And we want to get the result in seconds.I've tried put the files on HDFS and use Hive on MapReduce, Hive on Spark to query. None of them can achieve that. They return the result in almost an hour.My point is, regardless of the hardware condition. Is there any technology much much faster…
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We welcome TrainHR to the group and we invite you to know more about this great bootcamp!
Big Data For Financial Services will take place next August!!!
Book your pass!!!
BigData For Financial Services
BigData for Financial Services Boot Camp