Tell us more about who you are, what you do and where you want to be. What are your main business challenges? (Tip: provide your current Job Title, Industry, company or/and paste your Linkedin profile here). Use as many relevant keywords as possible. Tell us what you can offer the community. What sorts of discussions, events, and activities you can participate in.
Proactive Risk Management Inc. (PARM) is a leading multinational
provider of risk management and security services. By taking a global
and integrated approach to risk management and by recruiting the
security industry’s top talent, PARM has been able to provide an
unmatched level of service based on four interconnected pillars:
business intelligence, incident management, loss prevention &
security services, and technology / tradecraft innovations.
Our 80-20 mindset, inspired by the Pareto principle, ensures that our
actions are targeted and efficient, identifying and engaging the 20%
of risks that cause 80% of damages, all the while protecting the most
critical nodes of our clients’ organizations.
• Elaborate a risk mitigation and loss prevention strategy tailormade
to our clients’ needs - Provide counsel, implement innovative
initiatives, and create value for our clients’ organizations. VISION
• Provide the highest level of service to our clients through a
transversal integration of the security function.
• Leadership, Innovation, Collaboration, Integrity.
I am interested in
Speaking engagements, Consulting offers, Business deals, Expertise requests