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Regtech Africa is an emergent global digital tech media & consultancy platform with a niche focus on regulatory technology innovations in Africa and around the world. It provides a top market intelligence platform, uniquely placed to help startups position their regtech products and services to senior decision makers in leading institutions.
It is an influential platform dedicated to insights, trends, and opinion from the world of data-driven technologies. Our ecosystem insights provide organizations with comprehensive data, expert insights, and management tools that enable them to discover, analyze and make informed decisions.
We provide data-driven industry research that helps leading companies make smarter technology decisions with data.
Leveraging our strong local knowledge of the African regulatory technology environment and access to the closely-knit community of top-level decision-makers, we provide valuable and insightful contents on news updates, statistics, case studies, analysis, reviews, polls and events.
Our unique Value Proposition is our global network which includes regulators, regulated and those that serve them.
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Speaking engagements, Consulting offers