The DOJ and other regulatory bodies are clear. They want to see proactive and consistent assessments of compliance program effectiveness—not just checkbox solutions. Whether mature in your program, or just starting to build and analyze engagement, your confidential reporting and investigation systems are foundational to meeting regulatory standards.
In this industry-recognized benchmarking webinar, learn how to measure and improve your ethics and compliance program to mitigate financial and reputational risk. Compare your data against the world’s largest repository of anonymized incident reports to help answer questions like:
- Are we providing a robust array of intake methods to ensure that we’re capturing all potential misconduct in order to satisfy regulatory scrutiny?
- Do our follow-up rates on anonymous reports meet industry best practices and demonstrate program efficacy?
- Where does our report volume sit among peers, and what story does that tell for our organization from a regulatory standpoint?
- What areas of risk are highlighted in our reporting data that may have the biggest potential for regulatory action?
Join to preview the report and hear expertise on how you can implement tactical measurement of your compliance program initiatives.