Dear Global Risk Community member,
Do your Access Certification processes involve too many uneducated reviewers and frequent questions to your IT department?
Are the reviews slow to complete because the reviewers are questioning what they are even reviewing? Are you lacking a method for even knowing who has or has not completed their certification reviews?
Time to stop using Excel and waiting on access reports from IT and start automating the review process end-to-end, with detailed, easy to understand user access data.
Every quarter, access certification audits using Excel take time, are prone to errors, involve many stakeholders whom are unclear as to what the access actually means, and most importantly, take too much time to then remove the inappropriate user access.
With automation, Access Certifications can be automatically sent to data owners for review and sign-off with clear, easy to understand, role by role details of who has access to your critical systems and data. The benefits?
- No more waiting for reports from IT that reviewers don’t understand
- Reduce time spent by each department to confirm access
- Easily and quicky manage access certifications
- Gain a better oversight of user access, reducing risk
- Send inappropriate or overprovisioned access information automatically to the right team for access removal
Want to find out more?