WHERE: http://www.brighttalk.com/r/c7B
With the rising costs of data leaks and the increasing ROI of proactively securing data, 2012 is seeing Data Loss Prevention (DLP) become a priority for IT professionals. Strong DLP strategies are helping companies lower their risk of security breaches and the threats associated with the emergence of cloud computing and the consumerization of IT. This summit will reacquaint IT professionals with the pillars of a strong DLP foundation while introducing cutting edge approaches to securing the cloud, achieving PCI compliance and protecting against insider threats.
Identity Theft and Personal Data Loss Risks Emanating from Social Networks
Boris Agranovich, Founder , GlobalRisk Community
DLP, the Ideal Referee: Let the Game Go On!
Derek E. Brink, Vice President and Research Fellow for IT Security, Aberdeen Group
DLP Done Right: Case Studies in Implementation
Rakkhi Samarasekera, Security Architect, National Australia Bank
Cloud Security and Data Protection Law
Ibrahim Hasan, Director and Solicitor, Act Now Training LTD
Are Your Apps Secure?
Ben Chodor, CEO, Happtique
View the full program and register to attend: http://www.brighttalk.com/r/c7B
You can attend any or all of the 45-minute webinars at no cost, and will be able to submit real-time questions to presenters and vote in audience polls during the live online event. If you are unable to attend the webinars live, you can also view them afterward on demand. Each presentation will consist of slides and audio streaming live over the Web, and you can tune in from anywhere you have Internet access.
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