Dr. Rakesh K. Srivastava is an accomplished entrepreneur and is the CEO and President of GLAX Health LLC.
— Dr. Rakesh Srivastava – Dr Rakesh Srivastava’s Research on SATB2
Millions of people worldwide have had to live with ailments such as neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, and diabetes that reduce the quality of their life. A significant percentage of them ultimately succumb, leaving a huge void their families cannot fill. Even if they survive, there is no known cure for these diseases, and medication can only help reduce pain or manage their symptoms. A particular biotechnology company known as GLAX LCC ventured into research with guidance from the able Dr. Rakesh K. Srivastava to develop targeted therapies for this unique group of people. Without further ado, let's dive into Dr. Srivastava's research on SATB2.
What is SATB2?
The cells of living organisms contain genomes, which hold the necessary genetic information the organism needs to function and thrive. In human beings, one genome can have up to 21,000 genes. The cells in our body use a process known as gene expression to read genetic code within our DNA and produce the necessary molecules. One of the factors that control gene expression is SATB2, which is a special DNA-binding protein. SABT2 acts as a transcriptional co-factor in the cell and regulates the chromatin architecture, leading to a significant change in gene expression.
How SABT2 works
The SABT2 gene works by attaching itself to matric attachment regions in the DNA, effectively determining the structure of chromatin. On the other hand, the SABT2 protein regulates gene expression necessary for the cell cycle, pluripotency, self-renewal of stem cells, cell proliferation, DNA replication, and cell division.
SATB2 and Cancer
Research reveals that the SATB2 protein plays a significant role in cancer's initiation, progression, and metastasis. While normal adult tissues display little to no presence of the SATB2 protein, cancer patients showed a high protein concentration in their tissues. In addition, SABT2 promotes tumors by facilitating the expression of various transcription factors like Sox2, Nanog, and Oct4. Dr. Rakesh also discovered that this protein has links to the regulation of stemness, epithelial-mesenchymal transition, immune suppression, and malignant transformation.
In the past, scientists successfully used SATB2 as a biomarker for cancer in conjunction with other factors in the body. Dr. Srivastava and his team firmly believe that targeted inhibition of this protein could go a long way in preventing and treating various cancers. Using nanotechnology, they could deliver a drug containing small molecules of SABT2 inhibitors to targeted tumor tissues and effectively reduce cancer growth. These SABT2 inhibitors could also improve the overall effects of chemotherapy and increase the patient’s radio-sensitivity. For now, Dr. Rakesh is working with several foreigners and patients from the US to test whether this theory is correct.
Dr. Rakesh Srivastava is a renowned scholar and scientist with over 30 years of experience in nutrition, cancer, obesity, immunology, diabetes, and therapeutics. He is currently the CEO and President of GLAX LLC, a biotechnology company dedicated to drug development, medical research, sales, and production. In addition to his scientific prowess, Dr. Srivastava specializes in investment, management, human resource, and finance. We do not doubt that his discoveries will bear fruits and take a considerable leap from the lab to the patient's bedsides.
Contact: Dr. Rakesh Srivastava
Email: contact@glaxhealth.com
Rakesh Srivastava