Hi Global Risk Community member, Firstly, Happy New Year. I wish you all the best for the year ahead and that 2023 is a year we make great strides on climate action, together. With the recent passing of the Inflation Reduction Act, there has never been more opportunity for businesses to jumpstart their net zero transition. To achieve this, businesses must build and enact an effective roadmap and set their transition plans in motion - ones that have milestones, dispel greenwashing, and stand to scrutiny. Join us for this one-hour webinar, where we will explore how businesses are re-strategizing at the top so that Reserve your place today for the webinar on January 11th 12pm ET You’ll hear from the following industry leaders:
- Andre Fourie, Global Vice President of Sustainability, AB InBev
- Liz Minne, Global Director of Sustainability, Interface
- Shawntell Kroese, Sustainability Leader, Werner Enterprises
- Moderator: Sandra Seru, Managing Director, Americas, Forum for the Future
Confirm your place at the webinar now to watch live or on demand Key takeaways:
- Understand how to set accountable targets on Scope 3 emissions, even when the level of supply chain influence could be low
- Learn how to influence suppliers and additional dependencies on their sustainability commitments, regardless of the size and complexity of your supply chain
- Demonstrate that your net zero plans are consistent with company broader financial goals
- Explore how best to use climate impact and risk data and analysis to inform strategy and business decisions
Best, Oli Oliver Overman Project Director Sustainable Business Reuters Events