The aftermath of Sandy continues here on the East Coast – especially in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut area. Yesterday many victims were also negatively affected by a Nor’Easter storm that halted the work and help of many volunteers. This storm brought 60 mph winds and 4-13 inches of snow, record breaking numbers for this time of the year.
Both storms however, have not diminished or weakened the spirits of the people in the these areas. On contrary – it has made them stronger.
One of the great organizations that emerged right after Hurricane Sandy is Hurricane Sandy Relief Funds (HSRF). HSRF was built by the victims of Hurricane Sandy to help other victims in the community. This foundation has been working hard to bring together volunteers, setup up shelters and donation centers, and raise awareness of what it will take to clean and rebuild the affected areas. As mentioned on their website – – “This will is not a sprint, it is a marathon” as it will take a long time to rebuild (est. 6-8 years).
Read full post here - ProTexting Joins Forces with HSRF to help raise awareness and funds for Hurricane Sandy victims