Governance plays a significant role in determining how business objectives are set and achieved, how risk is monitored and addressed, and how performance is optimised. So, it would only seem right that no executive leaders would ever overlook this cornerstone of structure, decision making, control, and accountability.
But you’d be surprised. Rather than implementing an integrated governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) framework, governance is often side-lined by executives who want to skip straight to managing risk and complying with regulations without setting the rules to ensure processes are in place and being adhered to.
This latest eBook from Camms looks at how “Putting the ‘G’ in GRC” helps to lay these foundations by looking at four key components transparency, accountability, stewardship and integrity. The eBook goes even further by taking you through the five steps to successfully integrating governance, risk and compliance.
To move with the times, you must embrace the brave new world of integrated GRC – a burgeoning trend that drives better results and builds stronger more resilient organisations. Start by downloading this eBook.