Symantec recently released its latest Internet Security Threat Report (ISTR). If you are not familiar with this report it provides a global snapshot of the state of internet threats. It examines Targeted Attacks; Email: Malware, spam & phishing; Web attacks, toolkits, & exploiting vulnerabilities online; Cyber Crime and the underground economy; Ransomware: extorting businesses & consumers; New frontiers: Internet of Things, mobile, & cloud threats.
If you want to get an understanding of the threats in cyber space this provides a good introduction.
The numbers show that the classic threats continue but the growth is in the areas of the Ransomware (up 36% 2015 to 2016) and the Internet of Things (There were over 493,000 Miral Bots identified with 280,000 created in the last few months of 2016).
The information is provided with many graphics and explanations.
If you want to know more about cyber threats download and read this report.
Here are your options for studying cyber security and exposures in Global Risk Academy:
Option 1. Understanding Cyber Exposures - For Beginners
Option 2. Advanced Cyber Exposure Management
– Part 1 - Identifying Cyber Exposures
– Part 2 – Cyber Exposure Program Management
Option 3. A Bundle of all 3 courses - 35% off the original price
(most cost effective option)