Hello Global Risk Community member,
Every day, you use a variety of metrics to evaluate risk: from your Fitbit to your speedometer, metrics are everywhere. These metrics are purpose-built to provide you with exactly the type of information you need at the time you need it to make sound decisions.
Can the same be said for your organization's risk management metrics?
Join thought leaders from The Protecht Group for an engaging and insightful webinar to learn what enterprise risk metrics and key risk indicators (KRIs) are, and how to start applying them today.
The webinar will include:
When and why we should use risk metrics
The different types of metrics and what each tells us
A process to identify a strong set of relevant metrics that management cares about
How to turn metric data into intelligence by aligning with risk appetite and informing decision-makers
Reporting risk metrics in a way that provides meaningful insight into your organization’s risk posture
Sign up now for the webinar – Risk Metrics & Key Risk Indicators: The key to proactive and objective risk management on Nov 1st at 1:00 pm ET.