Current age of various challenges proves that it is not only essential, but it is also inevitable to manage risks. If an organization is to achieve its objectives in the current business environment, it is a must that the identification assessment and implication of successful risk management strategies are in place. The management of risk is rapidly changing. This requires risk managers from diverse backgrounds to commit to long lasting professional development.
Considering Risk Management is the core of a business model, and is crucial for its survival and growth, the main aim of the event is to better comprehend the latest trends. Bringing together thought leaders from leading Global Financial Institutions. The 5th Annual Risk Management Forum will grant each participant with the opportunity to learn about calculable effects on the economy; to understand how to avoid common mistakes and how to integrate effective risk management in to their operations. Join a selected and diversified group of similar minded peers inVienna, to unveil best practices, innovations and updates in Credit, Liquidity, Market, Operationaland related risk management fields with highlights in IFRS9, RWA modelling, CRD IV, EMIR, and many more. Don't miss out on the opportunity to meet and greet fellow professionals at extensive networking sessions in a five star environment this September.
Key takeaways
- Risk Evaluation: How to overcome key challenges in credit risk modelling?
- Regulatory changes triggered by Risk Management
- Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) and Basel's pillar II
- Risk Culture & Risk Appetite
- Find out the key attributes of effective risk appetite statements vs. relatively customized approaches
- Sound Liquidity; Hedging in Banks: Advantages in Liquidity Risk
- Pitfalls of ERM and their solutions
- The complexity of systemic risk in the Eurozone and the cross border inter-dependence: The Single Supervisory Mechanism
- New EMIR margin requirements
- Regulatory changes affecting banks' credit risk RWA and modelling
- Fundamental Review of the Trading Book
- Risk in the Extended Enterprise
- Managing Market Risk
- Effective Management of Operational Risk; Internal & external challenges
- Assessing Strategies and Avoiding Pitfalls
- Human Factor as one of the main drivers for Risk Management
- Steering With Expected Loss: Methodological Approaches to IFRS 9 Impairment
Contact person: Lara Ventoso []Conference Manager
Phone number: +361 848 0550, +361 848 0549