Financial institutions are subject to a number of risks, although credit risk has always been of primary concern to these institutions, its importance became paramount during the recent financial crisis.

Banks and financial institutions in India have gradually embraced open banking through the recent years while adopting sophisticated technologies to meet the needs of its consumers at the same time. This has given rise to an increasing need for risk management across various sectors, given the advent of financial technologies and the continuous change in corporate and government regulations.

Keeping in mind the strong and rapid growth pattern, changing regulations there is a lot of pressure on credit risk departments to take on more responsibility managing their risk exposure.

To be compliant with the regulatory changes, while remaining profitable, requires a step change in the future of credit risk management. The 6th Annual Credit Risk Management India Summit 2022 which will address the regulatory changes and their implications on banks NBFCs, and Micro finance companies. The summit will also discuss strategies, technology advancement, data management, risk culture, stress testing and understanding the customer behaviours for a robust credit risk framework.

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