Given the right approach, collateral management can be transformed into a profit center. Relevant regulations that impact collateral requirements, require higher margins and greater transparency may initially appear as a threat. Nevertheless, it offers a great potential for companies too.

React to this situation with timely actions and search for effective solutions at the upcoming

12th Annual Collateral Management Forum

Meet the industry experts and take the opportunity to ask them questions as they discuss regulations and regulatory requirements, overlaps between EMIR and MiFID2, the new clearing model and much more.

Leaders from buy and sell side will discuss about topics such as:

Why some parts of financial market regulation are smart and others are not

Underlining the essential interdependencies between MiFIR and EMIR

Performing data quality analysis prior to issuing margin calls

Why cloud technology benefits collateral management?

Highlighting the necessity of post variation margin

And much more!

Find more information here:

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