HR audits are no longer considered by senior management as isolated activities of HR departments. HR audits have become a critical activity of identifying the key human capital factors that affect and contribute to the organization’s success. As a result, HR audits are increasingly done of HR, rather than by HR and they attempt to identify the critical issues that affect the organization’s ability to achieve its goals. Thus HR audits are designed to identify the factors and issues that rob the organization of resources and that create misaligned and incorrect policies and procedures.
Numerous external forces and factors have an impact on the demand for and scope of HR audits. First, in the global economy, human capital has become for many organizations the single most important determinant of competitiveness, productivity, sustainability, and profitability. Increasingly, the organization’s human capital is the source of innovation and a driver of business success.
Second, a confluence of economic, political, and social factors, including corporate scandalsand increasing stockholder initiatives, have resulted in increased statutory and regulatory requirements, a call for greater transparency, and increased internal and external audit activity.
Third, governmental agencies have become more active—some would argue more aggressive— and have committed more resources to conducting assessments of employment policies and practices. Importantly, the EEOC, the OFCCP, U.S. DOL, and ICE have advised employers that they consider self assessments and audits a “best practice.”
Objectives of the Session:
- How effective is your organization’s human resource management?
- Is your human capital helping you achieve organizational objectives?
- Are your employment practices creating material risks and liabilities?
- This session discusses the development and use of HR Audits in answering these questions and addressing critical risk management and due diligence issues.
Who should attend?
- HR professionals
- CFOs
- Business owners
- CPAs
- Risk managers