Effective HR metrics are not developed in a vacuum. The "right or best" metrics require a detailed understanding of your organization: how it generates revenue, its business strategies and objectives, it business imperatives, the risks it faces, the opportunities to be seized, and what it already measures.
Thus, HR metrics should not be developed in a silo or owned exclusively by human resources. To be of value, HR metrics should measure the business factors that are important to the organization not just HR and should be co-owned by HR and the C-suite, other departments, and line managers. The right or best metrics are HR metrics that incorporate the input of stakeholders and contribute to informed decision-making. From this perspective, HR metrics should be predictive and action oriented. HR metrics that do not assist organizational decision making are of little value. The issue is not the number of metrics. As Albert Einstein noted: "Everything that counts can't be measured and everything that can be measured does not count."