10% Discount Quote VIP CODE: FKM62289GRC
This highly successful Pan-European liquidity risk forum will once again bring together Europe’s leading industry figures.
This is your annual opportunity to access the latest liquidity risk strategy and technique. Plus, hear direct from the Basel Committee, ECB and other key Regulatory Bodies.
This conference analyses the key issues central to meeting regulatory and business expectations effectively. Key topics addressed include:
- Basel Committee working group perspective
- European Central Bank view point
- National Regulator experience
- European Banking Authority feedback
- Contingency funding planning
- Stress testing and scenario analysis
- Pricing liquidity risk into product profiles
- Group liquidity portfolio management
- Quantitative modelling and reporting of funding
- Longer-term more stable funding
- The smaller bank’s perspective
- Liquidity and collateral relationship
- The rating agency assessment
- Impact of the EU sovereign crisis
- Key risk indicators and internal reporting
- Transfer Pricing under Basel III