Basil Walsh tells us “If you don’t know where you are going, how do you expect to get there.” The project charter serves as your continuous process improvement roadmap to tell you where you are going and how you will get there. This webinar is a guide to the importance of the project charter and how to construct one.
- Remember the various roles of the project parties
- Understand the needs for a successful project
- Apply the knowledge on how to complete a project charter for your next project
- Evaluate your organization for an understanding of the required
- Definition of a project charter
- Project charter components
- Webinar objectives
- Individual project charter components with purpose and examples
- Structure of the project problem structure
- Future Reality Trees
- The Goal Statement
- Project Charter Purpose
- CEO’s
- Chief Human Resource Officers
- VP of Human Resources
- C-Suite Office holders
- HR Directors
- HR Managers