• Jul 20, 2023 from 1:00 to 2:00
  • Location: Online Event
  • Latest Activity: Jul 7, 2023

In a 24/7 always-on, TNT – Time-Numbers-Technology – Driven-Distracted World, filled with change and uncertainty, developing stress and change resilience skills and strategies is critical.  Also vital is understanding the individual and organizational characteristics that facilitate burnout, as well as the burnout battlefront stages. Learn how task and human touch teams can be a vital buffer against burnout. Let the Stress Doc’s “Get FIT” – FUN-Interactive-Thought-provoking – program provide tools for a) Burnout Prevention/Recovery, b) Psychological Hardiness, and c) Natural Speed. Learn techniques for dealing with loss and change and for disarming self-defeating power struggles. Learn to positively set boundaries while gaining structures and strategies for building more diverse-inclusive-participatory teams. Finally, experience the power of sharing playful and powerful stories to break down the “Intimate FOE,” status barriers, and generate openness and camaraderie. Create a more equal “helmets off” and “we’re all in this together” atmosphere, team, and organizational culture.


This training is for anyone realizing that in times of rapid change and uncertainty personal resilience and healing/harmonizing humor in the face of stress, loss, and change certainly influence productivity and emotional well-being. In addition, these stress resilience resources and strategies impact our capacity to empathize, connect, and productively partner with others. And both personal and interpersonal dynamics impact the productive, supportive, and collaborative potential of work groups and teams.


  • Rapidly discover stress smoke signals along with the Four Stages of Burnout
  • Discover “The Six ‘R’s of Burnout Recovery and manage transitional challenges through research-based "Psychological Hardiness"
  • Discover the creative and new vision potential in “letting go” and “The Eight ‘F’s for Managing Loss and Change”
  • Learning how to say “No” constructively with colleagues and “higher-ups”
  • Disarm and defuse power struggles by asking courageous "good questions" and using affirming "I" messages while reducing status tensions and learning to build trust
  • Discover team exercises, structures, and strategies for managing stress, enhancing team inclusion-participation, and collaborative problem-solving
  • Closing tips and techniques for humor, Natural Speed, and Brain Agility along with the Doc's acclaimed "Shrink Rap" ™.


All personnel levels – from front-line employees to all levels of management will gain skills, tools, and strategies for 1) identifying stress and burnout warning signs and 2) positively developing stress, conflict, and change resilience skills in both themselves and colleagues, team members, and those they supervise/manage. Clearly, individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole benefit when a work culture is more stress resilient and focused, open and fun!



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