Key Take Away :
This webinar will discuss the 2017 NACHA Rules Changes and overview of the significant 2016 NACHA Rules and what they mean to the participants in the ACH payment processing network who are responsible for compliance with these Rules and will provide all the details necessary to help them stay in compliance with all the changes coming in 2017 and 2018.
Overview :
Significant ACH training on ACH compliance Rules changes in 2016 will be covered and a complete description of the Rule changes going forward into 2017 and 2018.
NACHA Operating Rules Same Day ACH is a drastic change to the ACH network and continues to be implemented in a 3-phase approach. Phase 1 was effective September of 2016, Phase 2 in September of 2017 and Phase 3 in March of 2018.
What does this mean to a financial institution or even an Originating company and the impact(s) it may have on the processing of payments in a faster settlement environment?
Third-Parties Senders will be required to comply with a registration process beginning in 2017.
Why Should You Attend :
To remain in compliance with the Rules, the topics covered will include:
The New (recently approved) Third-Party Sender Registration rule details, effective in 2017; minor Rules changes to language surrounding Same Day ACH, Rules Enforcement Monitoring, and more.
Included will be the 2016 Significant Rules changes including unauthorized entry charges for ODFIs, changes to return thresholds for ODFI, and the NEW Same Day ACH rules compliance audit requirement (which is a three-phase process Sept 2016 thru Mar 2018). This webinar will outline all details and what it means to you!
Areas Covered In This Webinar :
2017 Third-Party Sender Registration – new Rule with details
Minor Rules Changes to language surrounding Same Day ACH
Rules Enforcement Monitoring – Class 2 ACH Rules Violations
2016 significant Changes and how they affect each participant
Details on the Return thresholds and the Rules Enforcement process surrounding them
Charges for unauthorized entries, what are the return reason codes to monitor
ACH payment processing
Learning Objectives :
Learn how to present ideas in financial terms for greater impact
Learn fundamentals of implementation of the new rule
Gain confidence with establishing controls
How to analyze contracts; performance, obligation and price
How to document processes, objectives and requirements
Learn best practices relating to the new rule
Who Will Benefit :
ACH Operations Staff
Compliance Officers
ACH Managers
Electronic Payments Professionals
Anyone who wishes to enhance their knowledge of the new rules
For more information, please visit :
Toll Free: +1- 844-414-1400
Tel: +1-516-900-5509
Speakers Profile :
Donna K. Olheiser
Donna K Olheiser, AAP, is the Vice President of Education Services and founder for Dynamic Mastership, LLC. She is an enthusiastic and energetic Certified Master Trainer with over 14 years’ experience. She has designed and facilitated over 150 training sessions each year with her expertise being the Rules for companies and financial institutions when processing electronic (specifically ACH) payments, then scheduling the events to facilitate/deliver the material through a variety of venues (webinars, tele-seminars, in-person workshops, including regional and national conferences).