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    Ten Common Risk Management Failures and How to Avoid Them 




    Prima Invitation

    I am pleased to announce that the first issue of Intelligent Risk is now available free to all PRMIA members.

    Intelligent Risk is PRMIA's new quarterly publication, designed to bring knowledge to the PRMIA community. Each issue contains:
    • Visions of Risk - Selection of thought-leadership pieces from some great minds in financial risk management
    • What's on the Web - Reviews of important links on a specific risk management topic
    • Academic Partner Profile - Insight to life in a PRMIA Academic Partner
    • Chapter Profile - Overview of a local chapter
    • News, Announcements, PRMIA Events - Catch up with the latest PRMIA initiatives
    • PRMIA People - See at a glance the dedicated volunteers at the heart of PRMIA

    I hope you will find iRisk beneficial and enjoyable.

    Professor Carol Alexander
    Chair of the Board

    IntelligentRisk-Feb 11.pdf

  • Thank you very much for all these great resources. It really helps us to ensure we are kept up to date and enchance our current RM practices.
  • Thank you very much!

    Good resources!

  • New white papers uploaded by our members recently:

    Investor Due Dilligence paper
    Strategic Risks ISO31000
    Disaster Recovery in mainframe environment




  • Global Emerging Risks Survey prepared by FT with association of Oliver Wyman. August 2010

    Emerging Risks: Steering the Course, Seizing the Opportunity.
    This study highlights several reasons why executives still experience a serious disconnect between their approaches to
    assessing emerging risks and effectively using this information to make better business decisions.


  • The goal of the ERM Benchmark Survey was to capture and report feedback on the current state of ERM implementation for a cross-section of companies and industries (excluding Financial Services). Companies were invited to participate in the survey during a series of roundtables and conferences held by Deloitte in North America. Other companies were invited through direct communication as representatives of selected industries. The survey was conducted online, and the results have now been compiled to reveal what companies are reporting as either leading or prevailing ERM practices.

    A wide variety of industry groups are represented, with the heaviest concentration in consumer business, energy, manufacturing, process industries, and telecom and media. Respondents were from Europe, North America and South America, and most represent midsized companies with annual revenues between $1 billion and $3 billion.

    us_risk consulting-ERMBenchmarkSurvey_110308.pdf

  • Planning your way out of the financial crisis - A roadmap to derisking corporate pensions

    The white paper 'Planning your way out of the financial crisis' looks at why pension funds have become such an important issue for CFOs and why companies – and pension fund trustees – should be planning to derisk their pensions. AEGON Global Pensions shows why the effect of this crisis on pensions internationally is different from the effects of previous crises. We also discuss how new reporting regulations have led to an increased visibility and understanding of pension fund risks, and reveal how different national and international regulations make it increasingly difficult for the CFOs of internationally operating companies to forecast and manage the impact of their pension funds on the corporate balance sheet.

    Paying particular attention to the UK, the USA and the Netherlands (some of the largest, most mature second pillar pension markets), the white paper explores the effect of the financial crisis on the pension funds of multinational corporations.

    In conclusion, we offer some useful guidelines on how to draw up an effective roadmap to derisking, making derisking more affordable in the process, and which actions can – and should – be taken now.

    More information
    Read more in the Summary (6 pages) or contact the author of the white paper, Jeroen Bogers (Product Development Manager at AEGON Global Pensions): jeroen.bogers@aegon.com.

    White paper Planning your way out of the financial crisis.pdf

  • Risk Management Systems in the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis

    ”Rather than asking what users need, firms look at their existing IT infrastructure and ask what they can bolt on to improve the results. In the end, they are making systems more complicated and approaching a point of paralysis.”

    — GARP Report 2010

    GARP recently conducted a survey which concluded that risk managers are often frustrated by multiple data stores and the difficulty in arriving at a single version of the truth. This is often the result of early adoption of the existing technology at the time and bolting things on as subsequent needs arise.

    The technology has improved rapidly over the last few years and the regulatory climate is changing just as fast. Find out more about how risk management technology can meet post-crisis reporting requirements and reduce costs.

    Other Key Findings:

    Fewer than half the firms are pleased with the way their database technology is reporting but nearly as many don’t think it requires an upgrade
    57% said they only update their risk management database overnight while businesses are starting to require on-demand analysis in real-time.
    Enterprise and global views are being requested in a format that is comprehensible for a non-risk specialist.
    Business and IT should be better engaged to capitalise on new technological solutions for future, cost-effective risk management needs.


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Introducing the Global Risk Series - Book 1 Risk Management How Tos

Dear GlobalRisk Community member, Our community’s mission is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Learn from some of the top experts in the industry as they clearly explain how to approach the most important Risk management concepts. Check out their expert tips and use the link at the end of each article to navigate back to the website to leave your comment or ask a question.   Some of the topics include: How do you Explain Risk Appetite?  How to Prepare a…

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16 Replies · Reply by GlobalRiskCommunity Mar 21, 2024
Views: 1183

[Free COVID-19 Framework] What's the path to recovery look like?

We created a free presentation (attached), which discusses both global and organizational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with critical actions organizations should take immediately. This presentation introduces a framework that helps regions and organizations navigate a path to recovery via 9 potential scenarios. These scenarios capture outcomes related to GDP impact, public health response, and economic policies. The presentation also breaks down 6 immediate and critical actions…

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4 Replies · Reply by Steve Diaz Jul 8, 2023
Views: 258

If risk management is about decision making, are current risk management solutions irrelevant?

Now that the updated COSO and ISO risk management standards emphasize a connection to enterprise objectives and decision making, does this mean ERM and GRC solutions focused on risk registers and regulatory compliance are missing the true value of risk management?Will current risk management solutions evolve to integrate more decision support functionality or will standalone prescriptive analytics and other technology solutions take a more prominent role in enabling risk-informed…

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3 Replies
Views: 192

A question related to classification of instruments between trading and banking book.

We have an interesting question from one of our members.       "We usually perform OTC FX transactions with clients backed-to-back on the market (with Banks). Now we are going to perform a FX swap (i.e. Spot + forward) JPY/EUR for the Bank account for 1 week at the longest. The purpose is to get EUR place @ CB for LCR compliance purpose (no trading purposes). Bank's Management think that this should be considered as a trading position and therefore be classified within the Bank's trading book.…

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5 Replies · Reply by Prisha Singh Dec 26, 2023
Views: 399

Plunging oil prices: curse or blessing in disguise?

The recent sudden crash of oil prices has had a major impact on the world economy, leading to many troubled faces in the international arena. The Russians fear the effects of yet another powerful hit on their economy, Venezuela seems to be considering default and the Americans are weary of the consequences for its young and emerging shale oil industry. And then you have the Middle East, where the smallest match is enough to ignite the largest fire. But are these worries really justified or…

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1 Reply
Views: 124

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    The GlobalRisk Community is a thriving community of risk managers and associated service providers. Our purpose is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Our goal is to be the worlds premier Risk forum and contribute to better understanding of the complex world of risk.

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