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  • Hello all,

    My name is Lori Ramos-Marilla and I am a Senior Financial Executive with broad base experience in identification, measurement, management, and control of market, credit, liquidity, and operational risks. Areas of expertise include risk management, analysis of economic data and its effect on financial markets as well as an institution’s balance sheet, knowledge of Fixed Income and Equity Derivatives (plain & exotic), Foreign Exchange Derivatives (plain & exotic), Capital & Commodities (Energy) Markets, traditional FX/Money Market products, and risk systems’ implementation.
    My most recent activities have focused on energy risk management . I look forward to interacting with the group here at the Global Risk Community. Currently, as a member of the 2011 ERM Symposium planning committee, I am in the process of planning, along with my global colleagues, the next symposium. My mission is to assist in fostering a common language to discuss and collaborate on the challenges as well as successes in maintaining an optimal risk infrastructure. My motto, I was fortunate to have met Steve Thicke so can not take credit for the motto - only to adhering to this motto,
    The determination of ERM ‘best practices’ is a continuously evolving dynamic process. The mission of ERM stakeholders is to develop an effective and dynamic risk framework that is a defensive as well as offensive mechanism to manage a firm’s risk capacity (appetite). Thereby, communicating with increasing levels of transparency regarding the level of risks being taken for a given return (return can be production level as well as financial returns). It is the drivers of variability, we as risk professionals, that need to be illuminated – both qualitatively (subjective, experience driven) and quantitative (objective model driven) - Lori Ramos-Marilla February 2000. The litmus test of a firm’s ERM initiative or its value should be as follows:

    The ultimate test of the value of a risk management effort is does it enhance shareholder value? From my experience, it enhances value through full, proactive use of all the tools of risk management… not only those which help identify and evaluate risks, but also tools to better inform management decisions as to which risks to hedge or mitigate, which to transfer or sell and which to retain and capitalize Stephen Thicke, Risk Metrics Conference 1999
  • My name is Nagesh Bharadwaj. I help companies in Governance, Risk Management and Compliance aspects of their companies. I worked in the US for many years before deciding to be part of the India growth story. I have known Boris before he started the user community of his website. This has developed beautifully with great content. Great going Boris !
  • Hi all, do I dare to introduce myself to people with such a wealth of qualifications, knowledge and experience?
    In any way, I am Pieter Rossouw, currently employed as a general legal advisor in Pretoria, South Africa and responsible for the day-to-day managing of a legal cost insurance policy, I have a very strong background as criminal and military lawyer with more than 18 years legal experience, including attending courses at the Institute for International Humanitarian Law in San Remo, Italy.

    Previously as public prosecutor and later as admitted advocate of the High Court of South Africa I have had had extremely good experience in the various aspects of criminal litigation and related investigation issues. As military lawyer I was often involved in the investigation and prosecution of complicated irregularities and fraud.

    As a result of my leadership abilities and drive for excellent results I naturaly migrated into leadership and management positions. As Snr Military Law Officer Iwas appointed Office Chief of several regional military law offices and whilst still involved in functional matters, I successfully managed all aspects of a multidisciplinary office, including planning and budgeting and received several commendations for it.

    As there is very little growth and development in my present position I have decided to make a career change towards Anti Money Laundering and Fraud Investigations. In this process I have recently started with a ERM qualification and would like to move towards Fraud Risk Management. The whole RM arena, in the technical sense, is very new to me although in general risk management is part of general management of any organisation.

    I want to learn from you all and am interested in all possible employment possibilities.

  • Hullos,

    Am currently working with the the leading Microfinance Deposit taking institution in my country (Uganda) as the Risk Analyst and my key role is to Support my institution in identifying, defining, managing and monitoring specific risks presented in the various portfolio segments, in order to maximise profitability and / or minimize potential losses and track risk trends, thus reducing the risk related losses to the institution. Am in charge of implementing ERM and the BSC approach in strategic Risk Management.

    I also have a background in Internal Audit where i was led the Internal Audit Risk Assessments and Risk Based Audits and planning.

    Am open to networking opportunities and look forward to share experiences with the community.

  • Hello to all of you fellow Group Members.

    I am Barrie Watson a Broker at Gallagher London (an Arthur J Gallagher Company) specialising in Trade Credit & Political Risk Insurance.

    So what does this mean, well Trade Credit and PoliticaI Risk Insurance provides a number of benefits to organisations in their day to day trade. The various products help to provide balance sheet protection against the risk of non-payment for goods and/or services supplied to customers on credit terms. In a nutshell the products cover Commercial Risks (Insolvency & Protracted Default) and Political Risks (Contract Frustration, Transfer Risk, War, etc). Many programmes being aligned with providing security for banking lines and finance as well as Asset Backed Securitizations.

    As with most of the people that I have met in this Industry, I kind of fell into it about 12 years ago (following the successful completion of a BA Honours Degree in Risk Management), and I have benefitted from working with some wonderful and colourful characters across a wide range of sectors which include Aerospace & Defence, various Engineering disciplines, Oil & Gas, Automotive, Paper & Pulp, Forest Products and even the Food and Drink Industry.

    The nature of the business also means that I get to visit some wonderful places around the World such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, USA, many European countries and I'm shortly off to Brazil.
  • Dear group members,

    I take the opportunity to introduce myself through this medium. I have over 25 years international experience in the field of security, integrity and compliancy risk management and worked for the biggest international bank in The Netherlands as deputy head security department and head of international investigations. The last three years I have worked for an international business risk consultancy. Currently I am in between jobs and look forward to receive tips from this network about new challenges.

    It's my ambition to work in an integer business environment with sympathizers and am interested in a long term relationship in this arena.

    I am convinced that my international network in both, the public and private risk management arena can be beneficial for future employers.

    I look forward to discussions through this site and am happy to answer any fraternal question in my field of expirience.

    Best regards

    Bert Gouw
  • Hi All,

    I run a software company for internal communications, and we have a specialist service for Business Continuity - http://cloudBCM,com. I've been in the security space for 13 years, including BCM.

    I'm always looking to meet experienced consultants and BCM professionals who see a need for their customers and own organisations to improve their communication during incidents. I'm also here to learn as I firmly believe as soon as you stop learning you may as well pack it in

  • Hi Everyone

    I am a publisher who does work in the area of banking/economics/ finance and risk. I have just moved to Krakow.

    I have recently published a book on banking regulation, that looks at the problems that occurred in the run up to the crunch and shortly am to do a book looking at the implementation of IT projects in banks (from a risk perspective).

    Am also starting a qualification in risk management very soon.

  • Hi everyone

    I am glad to be part of this group composed of individuals with diverse experiences within and outside the domains of risk management. I am a financial management professional and have experience in the fields of accounting and finance, in particular, business planning, forecasting, budgeting, risk identification, evaluation, monitoring and management. My goal here is to learn from the community at the same time also contribute to the community.

    I hold a BA (Hons) Banking, Insurance and Risk Management from Sheffield Hallam University (UK) and am also a part-qualified accountant with the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA).
  • Hi All,

    About Me:

    A Commerce graduate with exposure to process designing, implementation and risk management.Total exp of 10+ yrs.

    Currently responsible for Operational and IT Risk Management for a global telecom service provider.

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Introducing the Global Risk Series - Book 1 Risk Management How Tos

Dear GlobalRisk Community member, Our community’s mission is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Learn from some of the top experts in the industry as they clearly explain how to approach the most important Risk management concepts. Check out their expert tips and use the link at the end of each article to navigate back to the website to leave your comment or ask a question.   Some of the topics include: How do you Explain Risk Appetite?  How to Prepare a…

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16 Replies · Reply by GlobalRiskCommunity Mar 21, 2024
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[Free COVID-19 Framework] What's the path to recovery look like?

We created a free presentation (attached), which discusses both global and organizational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with critical actions organizations should take immediately. This presentation introduces a framework that helps regions and organizations navigate a path to recovery via 9 potential scenarios. These scenarios capture outcomes related to GDP impact, public health response, and economic policies. The presentation also breaks down 6 immediate and critical actions…

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4 Replies · Reply by Steve Diaz Jul 8, 2023
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If risk management is about decision making, are current risk management solutions irrelevant?

Now that the updated COSO and ISO risk management standards emphasize a connection to enterprise objectives and decision making, does this mean ERM and GRC solutions focused on risk registers and regulatory compliance are missing the true value of risk management?Will current risk management solutions evolve to integrate more decision support functionality or will standalone prescriptive analytics and other technology solutions take a more prominent role in enabling risk-informed…

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A question related to classification of instruments between trading and banking book.

We have an interesting question from one of our members.       "We usually perform OTC FX transactions with clients backed-to-back on the market (with Banks). Now we are going to perform a FX swap (i.e. Spot + forward) JPY/EUR for the Bank account for 1 week at the longest. The purpose is to get EUR place @ CB for LCR compliance purpose (no trading purposes). Bank's Management think that this should be considered as a trading position and therefore be classified within the Bank's trading book.…

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5 Replies · Reply by Prisha Singh Dec 26, 2023
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Plunging oil prices: curse or blessing in disguise?

The recent sudden crash of oil prices has had a major impact on the world economy, leading to many troubled faces in the international arena. The Russians fear the effects of yet another powerful hit on their economy, Venezuela seems to be considering default and the Americans are weary of the consequences for its young and emerging shale oil industry. And then you have the Middle East, where the smallest match is enough to ignite the largest fire. But are these worries really justified or…

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1 Reply
Views: 126

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    The GlobalRisk Community is a thriving community of risk managers and associated service providers. Our purpose is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Our goal is to be the worlds premier Risk forum and contribute to better understanding of the complex world of risk.

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