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  • Hello all,

    I work in the Netherlands for Tata Steel. The department I work for is called Tata Steel Europe Metals Trading B.V. and it is responsible for the procurement of physical non ferrous metals for Tata Steel world wide. Also are we responsible for the hedging thereof. In the past we did the same for the aluminium branch our company owned (Delfzijl, Duffel, Koblenz, Vogt, Bonn) but that branch was sold off. We are a small department so everyone does and knows a lot of things.

  • Hello All

    I am the founder of MDSolutions, the exclusive marketing partner of BankruptcyControl the web based default management and case management software for Creditor and Debtor Representatives. This solution serves the Banking/Credit Unions, Collectors, Bankruptcy Attorneys Etc.

    I have been in the Mortgage Industry for over 17 years covering areas such as loan originations, underwriting, funding, compliance as well as Mortgage software sales and support. Recently, the exciting opportunity to represent and market BankruptcyControl came into being. This is exciting because of the similarity of the software processes to my mortgage experience, it made sense. As financial institutions especially banks/credit Unions, Creditors such as vehicle and credit card lending, in addition to those listed above; come under greater scrutiny, inclusive of servicers; the need for asset protection and increased profits is tantamount to survival of these institutions. We believe that BankruptcyControl will increase both asset protection with its early warning system, increase productivity as the information is centralized, improve the workflow, increase profits and assist in the compliance arena and positive increases in all of these areas will result in better management of risk. 



  • Hi,
    My name is Markus Krebsz, Author, SME and consultant.

    I'm best know for my book "Securitisation and Structured Finance Post Credit Crunch", Wiley 2011 (www.structuredfinanceguide.com), but most recently have published a new book chapter on "Product Taxonomy", out this month and printed in QFinance's new ALM bible.

    I sit on both, the CISI's Risk and IT Forum in London and also am an active book reviewer for several of the Institute's work books.

    Whilst I much enjoy 'writing' and related activities, unfortunately it does not pay the bills, hence I am currently working as a consultant at a Swiss Investment bank on a project I cannot unfortunately talk about further. Previously, I helped developing this firms' IB-wide product taxonomy which is now been implemented.

    In addition, I am also an advisor to the World Bank and am just in the process of finishing up my third project with them (in the Philippines). Previous ones included Cape Verde, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique and Zambia. This is the work I enjoy most, because I can put my knowledge to a good use and many people in these countries will ultimately benefit from my work with improvements in their overall living conditions (mainly through the future provision of electricity).

    Also, I am currently trying to push the European Commission on some issues that are very close to my heart - but the overall debate there seems to be mainly dominated by the looming Grexit, which is a understandable, but still a shame.

    So, in a nutshell, that's me - you can find out more and connect directly here: www.markuskrebsz.info
    and also on my website www.creditratingsguide.com

    Thanks a bunch for reading and for your interest, it's much been appreciated - and I look forward to reading more about you, too.
  • Ex Veteran, single, Job seeker, NO Security clearance, Security minded,

    Pro Defense, Intelligence, Espionage, guns

    ,007 fan, Hi Tech, travelling,

    willing to train for job

    10 Yrs mailroom experience.

    Live in So CA.


    See my Linkedin profile.

    See my blogs on Trendhunter.com


    Yanko Design.



    Ready for Hire Today.


    Must work in So CA area.


    Can relocate to Kona HI.


    Can do mail for vendor client firms in Risk Mgmt.

    (those in So CA area).


  • Hello, Everyone,

    I am exciting to join this Global Risk Community Group. I  have been practising engineer for nearly 3 decades but started my exciting journey into the world of option and stock about 3 over years ago. My interest in this group is to share and learn the mitigation measures for the markets' risks and uncertainties.

    Looking forward to connect with you and your insights.

    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Justin (Singapore)

  • Hello,

    I am interested in entrepreneurial risk and uncertainty. I studied entrepreneurial risk for my doctoral work and wrote my dissertation on Entrepreneurial Success as Determined by an Evaluation of Premarket Entry Risks. I suggest first separating risk from uncertainty because companies can mitigate risk, but not uncertainty. I run apgacademyofentrepreneurship.com and Acclaimed Professionals Group, a small business consulting, coaching, and mentoring firm. I look forward to all of your insights!


    Best Regards

  • Hello Everyone,


    I am the founder of Acclaimed Professionals Group and my business focuses on helping small businesses and entrepreneurs. My interest in this forum is to look at ways for entrepreneurs to deal with risk particularly in global markets. Many small businesses today are born global, but are unaware of the risks involved in global markets. I am interested in networking opportunities to help entrepreneurs find ways to reduce their exposure to risk and management it better.


    Best Regards,

  • Hello,

    As a new member of this very impressive and helpful website, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself.

    My name is Richelle Molaro. I am nearly finsihed my Bachelor's degree specializing in International Development Studies, Economics and Commerce. Throughout my studies I have felt passionately towards Political Risk Analysis and am seeking ways to gain knowledge and insight into this particular field. In Canada, my home country, there are not many Political Risk Analysis firms or consulting agents. I feel that in order to achieve the greatest reults that I should leave my options open and seek information from all over the world as different cultures share different points of view.

    I have been very fortunate and able to travel to most corners of the world. I have a soft spot for the Middle East, especially the political dynamics within Arab states. I have also had the opportunity to live and study abroad both in France, New Zealand and Italy. These were remarkable experiences for me and really helped to shape the person I am today.

    What I am looking for on the sight is a bit of guidance and opportunities to get involve in this field. It would give me the ability to apply my personal background and education.

    So please, if you have any anecdotes or words of wisdom tha tyou would have passed on to yourself when you were about to graduate with your first degree, feel free to send them my way. I am always open to hearing your thoughts!

    All the best,


  • Good morning. I am new to this forum, so I will introduce myself:

    VP/Compliance, CRA, BSA, Risk Mgmt

    25 years in the banking industry

    Love working in compliance, it is always a challenge!


  • Greetings group, I am a private consultant with over 30 years experience in the International Telecoms, Datacoms, Computing and Semiconductor areas. I also have some familiarity with cybersecurity, information architectures and Artificial Intelligence applications. To me risk is an inherent part of the business process, but it is useful to highlight it, analyze it and predict it, to that end I look forward to learning more from the group and it's members.
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Introducing the Global Risk Series - Book 1 Risk Management How Tos

Dear GlobalRisk Community member, Our community’s mission is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Learn from some of the top experts in the industry as they clearly explain how to approach the most important Risk management concepts. Check out their expert tips and use the link at the end of each article to navigate back to the website to leave your comment or ask a question.   Some of the topics include: How do you Explain Risk Appetite?  How to Prepare a…

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[Free COVID-19 Framework] What's the path to recovery look like?

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If risk management is about decision making, are current risk management solutions irrelevant?

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A question related to classification of instruments between trading and banking book.

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Plunging oil prices: curse or blessing in disguise?

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1 Reply
Views: 126

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    The GlobalRisk Community is a thriving community of risk managers and associated service providers. Our purpose is to foster business, networking and educational explorations among members. Our goal is to be the worlds premier Risk forum and contribute to better understanding of the complex world of risk.

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