“You have to risk going too far to discover just how far you can really go.” T.S. Eliot
Dear GlobalRisk Community member,
1. Bin Laden's death and how it will affect the risks
2. The issue highlights: latest questions, discussions, blogs and videos.
3. Partners event. Last chance to attend the Regulatory Compliance Risk Conference
4. Executive openings (USA only) http://bit.ly/excljobs
5. Help us spread the word and share this link with your friends and colleagues so they can benefit as well http://globalriskcommunity.com/?xgi=2FXZJPfuorqCcP
6. Information for our sponsors and advertisers
1. Bin Laded death and how it will affects risks
This is indeed a historic moment. Bin Laden may be dead - but look at what he has wrought. Two wars which will have cost in excess of 4 Trillion. America has now bled money and treasure for over a decade and will likely bleed more in years to come. It will likely not cause al Qaeda to collapse as it became more like a franchise operation. And there may even be a brief burst of activity in response. But in the longer term, this may well be a significant negative effect for their recruiting efforts, simply because their great leader's invulnerability has been broken.
Looking from the political risk perspective, it might accelerate the unrest in Pakistan and in the broader Middle East as many new potential candidates for a vacant post will try to capitalize on the void in the al Qaeda leadership ranks by promoting their radical agendas.
By the way, if you’ve got a frog for a picture, hurry up and replace it!
2. The issue highlights: latest content, discussions, blogs.
GRC Business continuity toolkit
Started by Boris Agranovich.
Social media in your business. Risks vs opportunities. Webinar and slides.
Started by Boris Agranovich.
Unique interactive collections software
Started by Simon Howard
3. Partners event. Last chance to attend the Regulatory Compliance Risk Conference organized by Marcus Evans
Regulatory Compliance Risk Conference
Evaluating Critical Regulatory Reforms to Facilitate Compliance and Effectively Manage Regulatory Risk in the Financial Industry
New York City, NY, Doubletree Metropolitan, May 9-10, 2011
Click Here For Conference Agenda
10% discount
Keynote Speaker:
Carlo V. di Florio, Director, Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations, Securities and Exchange Commission
Don’t miss the chance to hear from leading executives within the financial services industry on how to stay up-to-date and ensure compliance with key regulatory reforms, such as the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III. marcus evans invites Compliance and Risk Professionals from Banks, Bank Holding Companies and Financial Institutions to attend our Regulatory Compliance Risk conference.
Attending this premier conference will give you the chance to address critical issues within the industry including new capital and liquidity requirements, economic consequences of new regulations and the restructuring of regulatory bodies. Conference attendees will gain practical knowledge on how to optimize their compliance and regulatory risk management programs.
Key Speakers: |
Mark Gunton |
Lynn Sullivan
For a Full List of Speakers and Conference Topics click here
For more information or to receive a discounted rate for registering, return this email to: Lindseysi@marcusevansch.com or visit the conference website at: Regulatory Compliance Risk
4. Executive openings (USA only) http://bit.ly/excljobs
5. Help us spread the world.
If you like our community, please spread the word and share this link with your friends and colleagues so they can benefit as well http://globalriskcommunity.com/?xgi=2FXZJPfuorqCcP
6. Information for sponsors and advertisers on our community.
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Media Kit: For companies considering the advertising campaign for the Risk Market we prepared our Media Kit which is available on request
As always, if there's anything I can do to improve your experience, don't hesitate to email me!
Thank you for being here.
Boris Agranovich,
GlobalRisk Community, founder