Ensuring Pillar 2 Adds Value:

  • Is Pillar 2 still relevant when so much focus is put on pillar 1? 
  • The answer is yes. 
  • Pillar II is an important component and although it may have been seen as a buffer, Pillar 2 is the tool or process that allows banks to adjust their numbers, whereas Pillar I is almost a one-size-fits-all approach that guarantees a minimum capital is allocated and reserved.
  • In terms of good Governance, if only the numbers are looked at, the Governance would be weak, but if the Pillar II process is taken seriously, carefully examined, it will enhance and strengthen the risk framework.  

Stay tuned for my next update from the RiskMinds conference.



Editorial additions: Relevant resources and best practices

1. Restoring trustability of Financial Institutions. How banks and other financial firms can rebuild and measure the trust they've established with customers.

Building trust takes time. And when trust has been damaged, whether by real or perceived actions, companies must work harder and smarter to ensure they are taking every possible action to continually enhance the customer's trust. In this 1to1 Executive Dialogue, Don Peppers, Founding Partner at Peppers & Rogers Group, and MJ Crabbe-Barberis, a CRM expert who has led direct marketing strategies for Fortune 100 companies including JPMorgan Chase and Citibank, discuss trustability within the financial services sector.

2. Cloud Computing - Latest Buzzword or a Glimpse of the Future?

Cloud computing frees up budgets hand-cuffed by IT expenses. Instead of purchasing software licenses and hardware for new employees and locations, businesses simply add accounts to expand computing capacity. This paper surveys cloud computing today: What are the benefits? Why are businesses embracing it? What are its payoffs and pitfalls?

Check it out here: http://bit.ly/cloudcomputingG

3. Databases at Risk (based upon a survey of 179 North American security professionals)

In a recent Research Brief, ESG analyzed the current state of database security. Based upon a survey of 179 North American-based security professionals working at organizations with over 1,000 employees, ESG found that:

Databases house a higher percentage of confidential data than any other type of data repository.

Database security depends upon too many manual processes.

Enterprise-class organizations aren’t diligent enough about database security.

This Research Brief categorizes databases as a “dangerous and growing security gap” – and offers steps to improve database security across the enterprise, such as implementing “database security tools that provide a suite composed of database discovery, vulnerability scanning, penetration testing, user monitoring, logging, encryption, and policy-based enforcement, and using “these tools to automate error prone manual processes and homegrown scripts.”

Check it out here: http://bit.ly/IBMAmerica

4. Free Trial: ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4

ESET NOD32 Antivirus 4 protects your business without creating system slowdowns that negatively impact productivity. It is effective against emerging malware and Internet threats as they are released, not hours or days later. Request your free trial today. 


5. BPM Partners Whitepaper The Strategic Need to Automate The Last Mile of Finance

Download this paper written by BPM partners to see how the 'last mile' has become a very complex and challenging process for companies and their CFO's and the strategic need to automate the controls around these processes.

In March 2011, BPM Partners released a white paper outlining the complexities of the Last Mile and the strategic need to automate and enhance controls around these processes. Download this white paper to learn about the business challenges and risks in existing manual ‘last mile’ processes dependent on different version spreadsheets, word processing files and unsecured emails and the benefits and the value of automating ‘last mile’ processes – including enhancing internal controls, reducing risks, streamlining the entire reporting process.

Check it out here: http://bit.ly/IBMEurope

6. Improve Forecast Accuracy and Increase sales

Learn how you can significantly extend the capabilities of your existing Salesforce.com, NetSuite, or other CRM application with an affordable, easy-to-use, and quick-to-deploy solution that automates sales forecasting, improves pipeline visibility, and enables what-if scenario planning.
As the economy recovers, recent surveys reveal that the greatest challenge facing top executives, including CEOs, CFOs, and VPs of Sales, is driving revenue – successfully planning, forecasting, and growing the top line.   
Click here: http://bit.ly/improveforecast

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  • Look forward to read more about it. Txs, Albert
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