Is this Cyber Crime, Fraud management, AML(anti-money laundering) or regulatory compliance and implementing new legislation such as Basel III and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (Fatca) or else?
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For three consecutive years, supply chain risk has been a headline event. From labor strife to natural disasters and geopolitical events, anyone operating a global supply chain has felt the pain of sourcing or transportation disruptions. Many companies that we work with in the Fortune 1,000 are reconsidering their sourcing strategies, how to diversify sourcing risk, etc. - more so this year than in years past. It's not sexy or as mysterious as legislative compliance, and is just one of many corporate risks floating about, but it will create hundreds of billions of dollars of losses in 2013 for companies that are unprepared to handle the risk.
Well all the risks mentioned do have the potential of becoming key risks, in fact some of them are already key risks. However, with the continuing downtrend insider frauds or management fraud have a high change of increasing significantly.
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