When I started handling Risk Management, I first took on its Disaster Recovery and Info Security aspects as an MIS manager. Later, I branched out into Business Continuity Planning as well. With my current role taking on Corporate Governance and Compliance as well, it helped that I was exposed in most parts to the practical application of these concepts. Needless to say though, am still looking out for an omnibus training that encompasses the totality of Risk Management. Appreciate then recommendations from the members. Thanks!

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  • Hi Maynardo,

    It has been more than 7 years now since you opened this discussion and I just stumbled on it again.

    As promised we created different learning opportunities for our members to study risk management online and they are very affordably for an average "third-wolder" as you put it.

    1. Global Risk Academy - http://www.globalriskacademy.com is our crowdsourced site currently containing more than 25 courses provided by some of our members - world's top professional in their fields.

    2.A complete suite of courses http://bit.ly/grisklearning containing more than 700 online courses and certification exams preparations.  

    Please let me know if you have any questions regarding these options.

  • Hi Maynardo,

    I am not sure which industry you are working in, but looks like the company does have various aspects of risk management units. My suggestion would be that you suggest to the CRO/ CAE that tranings are required for the orgnaization as a whole, and different levels are required for different resources. I think if basic training is not being provided by the organization then that is a significant deficit in risk management strategy. I had written a post some time back on Risk management training in respect to Maslows four levels of learning on my blog. It might interest you. http://soniajaspal.wordpress.com
  • Maynardo,

    We offer all of the risk training programs from basic to advanced covering the risk spectrum. We are finding many institutions returning to the basic fundamentals and rebuilding a risk training curriculum for their staff and they are including relationship managers who need the basics of risk management. However, we do not offer open courses in the market. Our courses or curriculum are usually for a specific bank or financial institution where the programs can be adapted and customized to meet their particular needs depending on the country and local markets. Please feel free to contact me for more information at kl@lobo-global-advisors.com.

  • You are correct and although I am a member I have not looked into this in any detail. Because of the latter and not knowing your formal qualifications or your experience I can not offer any advice on your chances of obtaining it through the scheme.

    I am not certain but I believe the CRISC exam will be based primarily on the proposed COBIT version 5 risk management process when the exam is launced (2011) you will still need recognised risk qualifications and risk experience to be certified.


    maynardo lalo said:
    I understand that ISACA is "grandfathering" the CRISC certification. Any thoughts on this?
  • I understand that ISACA is "grandfathering" the CRISC certification. Any thoughts on this?
  • Maynardo

    I understand, Another avenue although UK based and primary focus being Programme and Projects is Management of Risk (MOR). The training is very detailed and does cover all of the principles of Risk Management. I have provided a link in regard to training


    maynardo lalo said:
    Hi Christopher,

    Yes you are correct. Have browsed the website and glad that there is such a training. Just that the cert course is bit steep for a Third Worlder =)


    Hi Maynardo

    The institute is recognised worldwide. It qualifications are the base qualifications for risk management before you specialise in any particular area COSO, Information Security, Programme & project.

    maynardo lalo said:
    Hi Christopher,

    Great info. However, how's the cred for this certifying body vis-a-vis other orgs?

    I would recommend that you consider the training available from the Institute of Risk Management http://www.theirm.org/ Distance learning is available and a comprehensive qualification is the IRM's International Diploma in Risk Management, this is a post-graduate level distance learning qualification designed to meet the development needs of a wide range of risk professionals
  • Hi Christopher,

    Yes you are correct. Have browsed the website and glad that there is such a training. Just that the cert course is bit steep for a Third Worlder =)


    Hi Maynardo

    The institute is recognised worldwide. It qualifications are the base qualifications for risk management before you specialise in any particular area COSO, Information Security, Programme & project.

    maynardo lalo said:
    Hi Christopher,

    Great info. However, how's the cred for this certifying body vis-a-vis other orgs?

    I would recommend that you consider the training available from the Institute of Risk Management http://www.theirm.org/ Distance learning is available and a comprehensive qualification is the IRM's International Diploma in Risk Management, this is a post-graduate level distance learning qualification designed to meet the development needs of a wide range of risk professionals
  • Hi Maynardo

    The institute is recognised worldwide. It qualifications are the base qualifications for risk management before you specialise in any particular area COSO, Information Security, Programme & project.

    maynardo lalo said:
    Hi Christopher,

    Great info. However, how's the cred for this certifying body vis-a-vis other orgs?

    I would recommend that you consider the training available from the Institute of Risk Management http://www.theirm.org/ Distance learning is available and a comprehensive qualification is the IRM's International Diploma in Risk Management, this is a post-graduate level distance learning qualification designed to meet the development needs of a wide range of risk professionals
  • Hi Boris,

    Something fundamental to build up my credentials as a risk manager, i guess.

    Boris Agranovich said:
    Hi Maynardo,

    I will investigate the possibility to arrange trainings for members of the community. For your information, I am giving training next week 21-22 Sep in Kuala Lumpur on Market Risk. The training is organised by UNI strategic and is in the Event section of our website. You can check it out if you are interested in market Risk training.

    What specific trainings are you interested?

    Also members who have ideas how to organise trainings, please reply on the discussion
  • Hi Christopher,

    Great info. However, how's the cred for this certifying body vis-a-vis other orgs?

    I would recommend that you consider the training available from the Institute of Risk Management http://www.theirm.org/ Distance learning is available and a comprehensive qualification is the IRM's International Diploma in Risk Management, this is a post-graduate level distance learning qualification designed to meet the development needs of a wide range of risk professionals
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