For too long, insurance carriers have tended to push what they have been able to produce, rather than respond to what customers have actually wanted. But things are changing. Agile start-ups and innovative insurers have demonstrated that customers are responding to products and services that match their lifestyles and inspire engagement. The imperative is on insurers to act now.
To get to the bottom of what is driving change in how insurance products are developed and targeted, Insurance Nexus surveyed and interviewed over 300 C-level executives from across innovation, product, marketing and technology departments to produce the Connected Insurance Product Development Infographic.
We wanted to find out which obstacles have arisen, and which strategies are making a difference as insurance companies transform their products and services. In the course of our research, it emerged that 67% of your peers agree that Machine Learning & AI will have huge impacts on how product innovation is shaped. How is your organisation set to take advantage of this, and become market leaders?
Download the infographic now to see the stats and quotes on process challenges and current opportunities in product development innovation!
Learn how companies are making their mark and discover first-hand views on:
- Best practices to kick off an innovation strategy that leads to real product, and real customers
- Proven internal blends of skill sets that drive transformation forwards
- The incorporation of external technology experts and insurtech that super charge what you can offer your customer
- Gaining buy-in and funding from senior management to bring your team’s ideas to life
- The latest on technological impact in the sector, looking at data, AI, ML and UX technologies and their impact
- Strategies for reaching your customer targets and convincing them of the value proposition
…inspire your team and adjust your strategy accordingly!
This infographic was produced in conjunction with Insurance Nexus’ Fourth Annual Connected Insurance Europe Summit, taking place 15th-16th May at the Novotel Amsterdam City, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Welcoming a pan-European audience of speakers and attendees, the event will explore strategies for making personalised products, real-time engagement and seamless service into reality. More information can be found on the website at