How Do You Know When COVID-19 Is Over?
The powerful float fraudulent signs of an impending end to COVID19 in an effort to give us hope that the current corrupt system is capable of solving the crisis on its own. That scenario, however, is entirely impossible.
The criteria that the media offers us for the end to COVID19 are so useless that we must list here for the public the true indicators that “this epidemic is inconvertibly over”
1. The assets of all the pharmaceutical companies that developed these “vaccines,” of all the multinational media corporations that promoted the COVID19 hoax, of all the investment banks and private equity funds like BlackRock, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America that invested in the companies that promoted the hoax, and the assets of all the super-rich, starting with Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, who funded the project secretly (or openly) are confiscated and those assets are employed to cover the reparations for those who have been injured by the vaccines, by the PCR tests, by the illegal lockdowns and by social distancing measures that were intended to destroy the lives of ordinary citizens. Other related criminal actions by corporations, governments, hospitals, research institutes, and other organizations controlled by these forces will also be confiscated.
2. The major figures at the Gates Foundation (including Bill and Melinda Gates), at the World Economic Forum (including Klaus Schwab), at DARPA (Defense Advance Research Projects Agency), at The Wellcome Trust, and at the major multinational corporations like Pfizer and Moderna who were responsible for the development of, and the promotion of, these deadly “vaccines” are arrested and tried for their crimes.
All documents related to the COVID19 operation in the United States, Israel, France, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, China, Japan, South Korea and elsewhere are fully declassified so that the trials can be conducted in a meaningful manner and the corrupt relationship between corporations, billionaires, governments and institutions of global governance made clear to the world.
3. The politicians and government officials who promoted the COVID19 hoax, who followed the orders from lobbyists and corporate representatives to enact COVID19 directives, and who obeyed the directions from the lackeys of the super-rich, are removed from office, and, in many cases, jailed.
4. The development of long-term treatment for the symptoms of those injected with modified RNA is made a critical subject for medical research and substantial funding, derived from the assets seized from those responsible, is committed to that research.
Similar research on the long-term treatment of the ill effects on the body of nano-sensors, nano-robots, graphene oxide, and the other toxic substances contained in these vaccines, and in other vaccines, is launched with the intention of developing new therapies.
Policies are put in place to assure that all future vaccines, and other medications, are subject to rigorous scientific evaluation by experts who derive no financial benefit from corporations and that the contents of vaccines are fully disclosed to the world.
5. New healthcare policies are adopted in the United States (and elsewhere) that take the profit out of drugs and out of medical treatment, and the pharmaceutical lobby is shut down, and its leaders jailed, for the distribution of fraudulent materials to promote dangerous and addictive medications, and for the false testimony they gave before Congress and before other government institutions.
The privatization of research, and of medical treatment in the United States, that led to the COVID19 fraud is ended and medicine for the people, by the people and of the people is put into effect.
6. The true and complete story of how this COVID19 hoax was hatched, and implemented on a global scale, is described in detail for the public in carefully researched articles, accessible books, and those materials are made an essential part in history books employed in schools and universities.
All information related to the COVID19 hoax is declassified and all corporate records are made public.
If the six criteria listed above have been met, you can be confident that the COVID19 pandemic is nearing its end. If not, you should not be distracted by screaming headlines about the end of mask or vaccine mandates.
This article was originally published on Fear No Evil.
Emanuel Pastreich served as the president of the Asia Institute, a think tank with offices in Washington DC, Seoul, Tokyo and Hanoi. Pastreich also serves as director general of the Institute for Future Urban Environments. Pastreich declared his candidacy for president of the United States as an independent in February, 2020.