Kissinger’s Adoration of the 1815 Congress of Vienna: A Master Key into Universal History
The Roots of Color Revolutions
The incredibly shrinking Henry Kissinger is known for many things, but a revolutionary is not one of them. Over the years of service to the empire, the career geopolitician has been consistent in his unfailing commitment to
1) destroy the Westphalian system of sovereign nation states,
2) promote population control across the developing sector,
3) advocate limited nuclear war (in opposition to the more popular visions of total nuclear war advocated by Cold Warriors) and
4) selectively overthrow troublesome governments as a co-architect of color revolutions.
The unifying theme throughout has been Kissinger’s total commitment to stability. No matter what chaotic means chosen to advance his agenda, you can be sure that Kissinger does it all for a near religious commitment to “order” and stability.
Although too often overlooked, Henry Kissinger’s 1st published work in 1957 A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace 1812-1822, offers us the greatest insight into the broader historical forces which young Kissinger understood and which won him entry into the most trusted inner echelons of the oligarchy. It also offers us a sort of master key into unravelling some major historical paradoxes that will assist us in making great sense out of our present age plagued by color revolution and war.
In previous articles, I advanced several concepts which I will add to in this current story.
- That the American Revolution was a global rather than local phenomenon which involved players from across Europe as well as India and Morocco who not only made the republican revolution a success but intended to bring that success back to their own countries as part of a broader emancipation of humanity from systems of hereditary elites.
- That the French Revolution was intended to be the first expression of that process outside of America before British Intelligence transformed it into a Jacobin terror that killed all of the qualified republican leaders.
- That the National Endowment of Democracy which is behind today’s color revolutions was created as a Trilateral Commission scheme under the guidance of Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski– two men not known for their “democratic sympathies”.