It is inherently difficult to make fantastic decisions all the time without outside assistance as we are all subject to deep-seated psychological biases — some genetic, some learned in our formative years and some a response to particular events in our lives. Therefore, forming a tight partnership between you and your advisers is key.
Partnerships are important because as a decision maker you are the one taking the risk. Advisers on the other hand don’t have as much at stake and move on to provide the next bit of advice.
What you want are advisers that have your best interests at heart and help you to take risk “eyes wide open”. Where you are aware of the risk you are taking and why.
To be a good partner, advisers need to lead alongside. To help you think through some of the uncertainties associated with your decision and to provide ideas, insights and solutions. If your advisers are not doing this, if they are only giving you the textbook answers, sack them and find new ones.
Until you find new ones, this paper about thinking things through to manage the risk in your decision making may be helpful.
If you don’t want to sack your advisers and want to help them instead, send them this paper on Persuasive Advising. Or tell them about the complimentary breakfasts I run where we discuss the role of advisers in organisations and how best to add value.
Bryan's new book teaches you practical methods to cut through with your advice and make the impact you want to make. Available on Amazon or order here now.
Available on Amazon or order here now.
Bryan Whitefield works with strategic leaders across all sectors to help organisations harness uncertainty – uncertainty is the strategic leader’s best friend. He is the author of DECIDE: How to Manage the Risk in Your Decision Making and Winning Conversations: How to turn red tape into blue ribbon. He is the designer of the Risk Culture: Build Your Tribe of Advocates Program for support functions and the Persuasive Adviser Program for internal advisers. Both can be booked individually or in-house. For more information about Bryan, please click here.