My first Poo Poo the Poo Poo-ers blog was back in January 2018. I was writing about resistors, the Poo Poo-ers of new ideas because of reading this article from the Harvard Business Review Overcome Resistance to Change with Two Conversations. As it was the beginning of a new year I wrote that:
“Right now, most people around you will be as ready for something new as they will ever be. Many are rested from a break, others took the quiet time at work to clear the decks. Now is the time to pounce. So get your team together, have the conversations, and get your year of purposeful, positive and productive change started.”
The day of writing this I was talking to a leadership coach in the travel industry. We spoke about the boom the industry was about to experience and how she was working with leaders in the industry about how they were going to take advantage of the boom in new and innovative ways. We both agreed it was going to be “one hell of a ride!”.
What about the rest of us? Things are happening now. Right now. Organisations, leaders and teams are re-shaping their view of the world and it is going to be one hell of a ride no matter your industry.
Many have been far from looking for something to do over the last 18 months. Many have been working tirelessly in difficult circumstances. The risk is that we let this opportunity slip because we are so exhausted.
My response was to spend a couple of days last week immersing myself in planning my next few months, setting targets, gaining focus. I’m working on blending the best of both worlds of online and in-person training as one example.
Can you muster the energy and take time to stop and plan? Do you have the energy to poo poo the poo poo-ers? I hope you do. Because it’s going to be one hell of a ride!
Stay safe!
P.S. A byproduct from my thinking about planning is this video that I posted on LinkedIn about quarterly performance and risk reporting.