All are requested to go through my blog on SMACT and read through the following Risks Involved:
1. It is fact that by 2017, Indias 75 million smartphone users will double to around 158 million.
2. India 244 million existing internet users will swell to about 350 million.
3. India is having its Digital India Intitiave under way in full swing where it connecting its 21 million villages with fibre optic
4. 100 Smart City Initiave has started with a budget allocation of about $ 1.1 Bn for this project in India Budget of 2015.
with this India is embarking on an expenditure of about $ 200 Bn in next 05 to 10 years for this infrastructure.
Hence,SMACT technologies will be used in a big way and so will be the risks involved in equal proportion from cyber attacks
, heckers attacks and online frauds, so, it poses a great challenge to the service & solutions providers to provide a robust
platform with top network, IT, SMACT Security on which SMACT will buildup its connectivity.