Some of the Best Thoughts (20) of Nelson Mandela and My Interpretation of Them: Lessons for World Leaders
Enrique Suarez
1. Death is something inevitable. When a man has done what he considers to be his duty to his people and his country, he can rest in peace. I think I have made that effort and that, therefore, I will sleep for eternity.
Lessons: Understand that being alive is an opportunity to celebrate the divine within us and therefore the divine in others. The main duty of a human being is to recognize that for dignity and prosperity to be realized, peace should be felt first for it is within us in every breath we take. Then once we know that what is keeping us alive is omnipresent and therefore eternal, we will understand what our duty should be not only for our people and for our country but for everybody else walking in this planet.(Enrique Suarez)
2. If I have to die, I declare to all who want to know that I will meet my fate like a man. Lessons: Knowing that our real being is eternal, if I have to die I declare to all who want to know that I will meet my beautiful fate like a human being and God’s creation.(Enrique Suarez)
3. A critical, independent, and investigative press is the lifeblood of any democracy. The press must be free from state interference. You must have the financial capacity to deal with the blandishments of governments. You must have sufficient independence from vested interests to be bold and ask without fear or any preferential treatment. It must enjoy the protection of the Constitution so that it can protect our rights as citizens.
Lessons: In a peaceful and wise society any form of government and laws should serve people’s needs by cultivating creative human talent. (Enrique Suarez)
4. The greatest glory is not falling, but always getting up. Do not judge me by my success, you judge me for the times I fell and got up again.
Lessons: Enjoy the journey of life for if you do, you will also enjoy the destination. (Enrique Suarez)
5. True leaders must be willing to sacrifice all for the freedom of their people.