The COVID-19 plandemic provided the perfect cover for all manner of “New Normal” changes that were always intended to become permanent. One change in particular has continued to go mostly under the radar – the increasing use of all-pervasive surveillance.
Unfortunately, this Orwellian, “Big Brother” global digital ID surveillance plan just became even more real.
The Digital Identity Working Group (DIWG) chaired by Australia’s Digital Transformation Agency—whose member countries also include Canada, Finland, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the World Bank (through observer status)—initially met in 2020 to “share experiences and opportunities for the use of digital identity initiatives.”
The group’s goals are “to understand how digital identity is being used and the models that might enable mutual recognition and/or interoperability, to share respective governments’ experiences with digital identity including in the COVID-19 response, and to understand what is required to enable mutual recognition and/or interoperability between DIWG member countries.”
In a recently released DIWG report entitled “Digital Identity in response to COVID-19” the working group identified a set of 11 principles governments should utilize when building out frameworks to implement digital identity.
As the title of the report indicates, the havoc caused by COVID-19 and the efforts to recover are used as one of the main pretexts for accelerating the usage of digital ID across the globe. The report reinforces this conclusion, stating:
Digital identity has enabled member countries to respond to and recover from COVID-19, including to rapidly develop and deliver government information, services and support to verified people and businesses. In some countries Digital identity has also supported the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations, enabling the secure sharing of information and verification of status across the population.
In many cases, COVID-19 has in fact accelerated the use of digital identity, with access to digital services becoming critical as countries managed their response to the pandemic.
Advancing Digital Agency (Identity) through The World Economic Forum
Acting in concert with the DWIG report, The World Economic Forum has also released a report pushing the global ID agenda and directly admitting that vaccine passports serve as a form of digital identity.
You can read the rest of this excellent article in the bellow link: