The Global Economic and Social Crisis Is a “Crime of Unimagined Proportions”
Man as a self-responsible being must not hand over power to anyone!
Worth mentioning in this context is, on the one hand, the new PDF ebook by Michel Chossudovsky: “The Worldwide Corona crisis, Global Coup d’état against Humanity” (2) and, on the other hand, an interview by the Austrian author and politician Gerald Grosz about the failure of governments as a “crime of unimagined proportions” (3).
But it is not only governing politicians who are “supplied” by unscrupulous and financially strong backers who fail disgracefully: we citizens also fail because we are so manipulated by our traditional upbringing by state and church that we are capable of anything except saying NO. As a result, we keep falling for the lures of supposed authorities and march along with them – as we once did under Hitler.
World political situation has become confusing and more worrying
World political situation has become confusing and more worrying
When I reflect on the current world political situation, Michel Chossudovsky’s book, published a quarter of a century ago, The Globalization of Poverty “GLOBAL BRUTAL. Unleashed World Trade, Poverty, War” (German Edition) comes to mind (4):
“Humanity, after the Cold War era, has been plunged into an economic and social crisis of unprecedented rapid impoverishment of large parts of the world’s population. Entire economies are collapsing, unemployment is rampant. (…). The New World Order feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the natural environment. It creates social apartheid, fuels racism and ethnic struggles (…) and often plunges countries into destructive conflicts between different ethnic groups.” (…).
This global crisis is more devastating than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It has far-reaching geopolitical implications. The economic dislocations are accompanied by regional wars, the break-up of nation states and in some cases the destruction of entire countries. It is by far the most severe economic crisis in modern history.” (5)
Don’t these book excerpts apply to the current world political situation? What is missing is the danger of a nuclear world war.
In a preface to the German edition of the book, Noam Chomsky wrote:
“Humanity, after the Cold War era, has been plunged into an economic and social crisis of unprecedented rapid impoverishment of large parts of the world’s population. Entire economies are collapsing, unemployment is rampant. (…). The New World Order feeds on human poverty and the destruction of the natural environment. It creates social apartheid, fuels racism and ethnic struggles (…) and often plunges countries into destructive conflicts between different ethnic groups.” (…).
This global crisis is more devastating than the Great Depression of the 1930s. It has far-reaching geopolitical implications. The economic dislocations are accompanied by regional wars, the break-up of nation states and in some cases the destruction of entire countries. It is by far the most severe economic crisis in modern history.” (5)
Don’t these book excerpts apply to the current world political situation? What is missing is the danger of a nuclear world war.
In a preface to the German edition of the book, Noam Chomsky wrote:
“Nothing about these developments is inevitable. The insights Chossudovsky’s research provides are a significant step towards the dedicated struggle that will be needed to reverse these developments.” (6)
But have the developments described been reversed?
As long as man has not recognised himself as a self-responsible being, but delegates the solution of the pressing problems of humanity to politicians, the world will not change.
Do not delegate the solution of humanity’s problems to politicians
Governments cannot be trusted, neither today nor in the future. Especially in recent years, many weak, ignorant and corrupt aspirants have been elevated to authoritative political posts in the Western world, knowing that they will one day bless and rubber-stamp political crimes concocted by the well-known “world conspirators” such as Klaus Schwab (WEF) and others.
Already in the last century, the Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Count Tolstoy (1812-1910) wrote in his political pamphlets that this was no accident:
“One could still justify the subordination of a whole people to a few people if those who governed were the best people; but this is not the case, has never been the case and can never be the case. The worst, most insignificant, most cruel, most immoral and especially the most mendacious people often rule. And that this is so is no accident.” (7)
Many adults look up to these rulers like children – and this has consequences: Belief in authority inevitably leads to allegiance to authority, which usually triggers the reflex of absolute spiritual obedience and paralysis of the mind. Adults can then no longer think independently and judge rationally. That is why they hand over decision-making power to professional politicians.
Man as a self-responsible being must not hand over power to anyone!
Ignorant people are so sluggish that they prefer to be guided by supposed authorities rather than by their experience and reason. This was already written 250 years ago by the French Enlightenment philosopher Paul-Henry Thiry d’Holbach in his book “System of Nature” (8).
Since history is a work of human beings, human beings must be changed when one wants to change the world. They must realise that they are autonomous beings who can take their destiny into their own hands and must not hand over power to anyone else. When these people approach the problem of war, for example, they are able to distinguish: Which people are waging war? Is it only the others, the rulers – or are we ourselves also part of it?
Scientific psychology is the appropriate instrument for this self-knowledge. It is a science about man, about human nature: how he becomes, how he grows up, what experiences and knowledge he acquires, how he finds his way in life. His experiences are imparted to him above all by his parents and teachers. He is then the product of his experiences and impressions in childhood.
Already in the first years of life – at the age of five to six – the child has a compass. It then knows how to behave. It also has an opinion about the other child and about the father, mother and siblings. It already has its character and knows its position in the world.
Enlightenment and education are the most important protective measures against war and all other inhumane and freedom-stealing “orders” of the corrupt authorities. The authoritarian education of the past created a type of human being who only knew the categories of “ruling” and “serving”. No wonder that this type of person could neither solve social problems nor eliminate war. Religious and social ideologies as well as privileges in social life prevent people from understanding the unity of the human race. Thus second thoughts are sown among those who would depend on it to secure a tolerable existence on this earth.
Today we know that only psychological methods of education – renunciation of inappropriate authority and the use of violence as well as an understanding of the child’s soul – can develop people who are immune to the entanglements of power madness and no longer possess a subjugated mentality.
It is not yet possible to say when the conscience of humanity, whose call of admonition goes through the centuries, will finally make itself heard. But since the existence of the human race depends on people professing all-human solidarity to a far greater extent than before, we should leave no stone unturned in taking the appropriate psychological measures.
Dr. Rudolf Lothar Hänsel holds a doctorate in education (Dr. paed.) and a degree in psychology (Dipl.-Psych.). He was a teacher for many decades (retired headmaster) and as a retired psychotherapist in his own practice. In his books and educational-psychological articles, he calls for a conscious ethical-moral values education as well as an education for public spirit and peace. He is a regular contributor to Global Research.
(4) Zweitausendeins. German first edition 2002
(5) op. cit., p. 23
(6) op. cit., p. 1