The Tests: Covid-19 and the Benign Common Cold Coronavirus. Can They be Distinguished?
Introductory Note by Dr. Gary Kohls
It has long been known that benign coronavirus species are capable of causing 15 – 30 % of common colds (usual symptoms: runny nose, cough, sore throat).
This reality was recently mentioned by a renowned virologist from Germany, in an interview where he also admitted that laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 is next to impossible given the high incidence of both false-positive “COVID-19” PCR swab tests and false positive “COVID-19” serum antibody tests.
Apparently, neither test seems to be able to distinguish between the benign coronaviruses that can cause common colds and the more serious coronavirus that actually causes COVID-19!
Dr Fauci’s ignorance of (or his ”conflict of interest-generated” failure to reveal) that fact justified his oft-repeated assertions in his endless media rounds and White House press conferences prior to the ill-fated economic shut-down:
“I think we should be overly aggressive (even if we) get criticized for over-reacting. I think Americans should be prepared … to hunker down.”
Below is an interview with Dr Drosten made last month, in which he revealed that the benign coronavirus that causes the common cold cannot be differentiated by the COVID test kits, over 200 of which are currently in development by profiteering medical device companies.
Dr. Gary G. Kohls, July 14, 2020
Translation from German by Global Research
Good news: Some virologists are now saying that there are people who have become immune to Covid-19, and that this “unnoticed” immunity is attributable to the (comparatively harmless) coronavirus related to the common cold, which they have had in the past. In the NDR podcast “Coronavirus Update” Dr. Christian Drosten explains what this new theory is all about.
“What this refers to is that there may be an unnoticed background immunity – due to the [common] cold coronaviruses, because they are related to the SARS CoV-2 virus in a certain way,” said the expert on Thursday.
The scientist had already spoken about the corona [common] cold viruses last week. At the time, he pointed out that 15 percent of the [common] colds were caused by well-known corona viruses. And these are so similar to the current virus that they can even cause false positive antibody tests.
Incidentally, previous corona viruses have no influence on the PCR test, which is routinely used to test for Sars-CoV-2.
The important question now is: do these well-known corona viruses also become immune to the new virus? This is possible, the virologist continues:
“It could be that some people who had a cold virus a year or two ago are protected in an unprecedented way.”
Drosten reports on a preprint study from China that has just been published and in which households with infected people have been under close observation. The so-called “day rate”, the number of people who contracted infection, was very low. “That is 12, 13 percent,” said the scientist. “How can it be that so many who were in the house do not become infected? Does something like background immunity play a role in this?”
The underling concept [idea] is extremely obvious to virologists, even if there is “residual uncertainty”, Drosten said. In our current situation, this is comforting, but the lockdown was still necessary, he says.
In conclusion, Drosten says:
“In the current phase, even if you include the background immunity in models, the medical system and intensive care unit capacity would still be overloaded and it is therefore right to have taken these measures at the moment . “
Sars-CoV-2 is a new form of corona virus – a type of virus that causes flu-like infections. In most cases in Germany, the infection with the coronavirus is symptom-free to mild: you could experience a slight fever, sore throat and fatigue.
After that, the disease usually subsides.
The virus can become really dangerous, especially if you belong to a risk group: older people or those with previous illnesses (such as cancer or lung diseases) should contact their doctor if they suspect an infection.